the opera

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"Okay but that guy in the back is kinda cute," Jess whispered in Madison's ear, causing her to snort

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"Okay but that guy in the back is kinda cute," Jess whispered in Madison's ear, causing her to snort. 

The guy she was referring to was the jester, who hadn't done much in the opera except stand there or dance around. Mr. Morris sent a look down their way and both girls immediately shut up, backs straight. Nothing was worse than getting chastised by Mr. Morris. 

The opera had just begun, and Madison couldn't help the smile that formed on her face. She loved being immersed in any art and culture she could find in Pennsylvania, as it was hard to come by. And even more so, she was excited with how her outfit had come out. She had settled on the light purple slip, with a racerback and an almost scandalous low front. Her hair was twisted back into a low bun, with the small shiny clips littered throughout. Her dagger earrings were traded out for small pearls, courtesy of Candace, and her black choker switched to a gold one with pearls instead of studs. A little bit of light makeup and she was all set. She felt ethereal. 

Unfortunately Candace had been right, there were no cute boys. Seemed there was no sense of culture in the boys her age.

"Oh my god is that Eric?"

Candace's quiet exclamation almost made Madison jump out of her seat. She hurriedly followed her gaze to one of the boxes overhead and was shocked to find that it was in fact Eric, and Mr. Feeny. 

Just as she peered up at him, he looked down. The pair locked eyes and she felt herself falter. Eric surprisingly didn't send her a smile, only a quizzical and blank look. She was quick to turn back to the stage, her cheeks flushed. 

"What was that all about?" Jess hushed. 

"I have no idea," Madison whispered. 


"Mr. Matthews I couldn't get you into Yale," Mr. Feeny revealed, "I couldn't get you into a Yale sweatshirt."

Eric felt like he was close to throwing a fit. He had wasted his money, and now his time, attempting to get Mr. Feeny to aid him. Now he had to sit through this absolutely terrible opera for nothing. Perfect. 

"Oh, well, excuse me Mr. 'I'll Just Take the Tickets And Not Complete the Other Half of the Deal'," Eric sassed. 

"The only deal I've ever made with you is that I'll be your teacher and friend," Mr. Feeny countered, "And with that, the responsibility to help make you a better person."

"A better person? Mr. Feeny I don't want to be a better person I just want to party with the girl on the raft," Eric whined. 

"Yes, well, you won't be doing that at Yale," Mr. Feeny sighed. 

Eric was beyond annoyed. There was no way he was going to sit through another hour and a half of this nonsense. Who even came to these things willingly? Other than old stodgy men?

"I guess I came here for nothing," Eric mumbled. 

"Mr. Matthews, say you did meet that young woman on the raft, or another woman just like her, and she says that she has a passion for culture, perhaps... opera," Mr. Feeny explained, "Now, don't you see that after this evening, you now have something to talk about."

Eric felt something click, but couldn't quite decipher the thought. Why did Feeny's words make him think of someone he already knew? 

"Alright Mr. Feeny, it's a nice try, it's a nice plan, but don't you see? This kind of stuff is lost on a guy like me," Eric countered, "No one in my generation has ever thought to come to this place."

"Oh? Is that why three of your classmates are currently sitting in the fourth row?" Mr. Feeny muttered, not even looking at him. 

Eric immediately leaned up against the railing, eyes scouring the semi-dark crowd. He saw Candace, and Jess, and... woah. It was Whirley, but it wasn't. She was wearing the most beautiful dress he had ever seen, and her hair...

A girl with culture. 

Oh no, he couldn't be linking Mr. Feeny's teachings to an actual person. It was a vague reference to the raft girl, not Whirley. Not Whirley. Not Whirley. 

Eric's body jolted in surprise as her eyes were suddenly locked on his. He was trying to force himself to give her a smile, a wave, anything. But he couldn't move. He was sure he looked like a big dumb idiot, just staring at her with a blank expression. Just as soon as she looked at him, she turned back to the stage. Jess leaned over to her to whisper something in her ear. What was she saying? He was dying to know.

"Alright there Mr. Matthews?" Mr. Feeny interjected. 

"Just fine," Eric mumbled. 

"You're going to stay?" Mr. Feeny inquired. 

"I think so," Eric responded nonchalantly. 

He couldn't see it but he knew he looked smug. 

A girl with culture. 


"Well, I think that's the best one yet," Mr. Morris rumbled, causing all the kids in his proximity to roll their eyes. 

It was tradition for him to comment that at the end of every opera, no matter how bad or good it was. It was starting to get old. 

They were currently all milling about in the lobby area, hanging around coat check for their turn. Madison was anxiously scanning the room, looking for Eric. She didn't think he would come over to talk to her, but Mr. Feeny might. Her heart fell out of her chest as she noticed the two men approaching. 

"George! How the heck are ya?" Mr. Morris greeted, shaking his hand. 

"Eric," Jess greeted.

"Hello ladies," Eric spoke, with a little less swagger than usual. 

He looked uneasy, and Madison couldn't help but notice the way his eyes kept coming back to her. She blushed under his gaze, especially when his eyes scanned her up and down. Anyone else and she would've turned away, but she liked looking this good in front of him. It was a rare occurrence in their relationship. 

"What did you think?" Candace inquired, making small talk. 

"I thought it was- I thought it was neat," Eric stuttered, "Whirley, uh, what did you think?"

Both Jess and Candace shot each other a look, knowing exactly what was going down. There was no way a suave player would ever fumble like this. 

"I thought it was..." Madison muttered, feeling a little awkward being singled out, "Neat."

Eric smiled a huge smile at her response, and seemed to have a little life brought back to him. 

"Did you come with Mr. Feeny?" Madison questioned, a teasing tone to her voice.

"It was originally to get him to get me into Yale," Eric admitted, "But, I think I learned something more important."

"That's good," Madison mused, smiling. 

Hmm. Neat. 

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