the mistake

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Her hands wouldn't stop shaking as she nervously drummed along to whatever punk/alternative song was blasting through the radio

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Her hands wouldn't stop shaking as she nervously drummed along to whatever punk/alternative song was blasting through the radio. The roads in Eric's neighbourhood were confusing, and doing nothing to soothe her anxiety. This was such a mistake. 

She thought the flutterings of her anxiety would dissipate as she pulled up to Eric's house - this was not the case. Should she go up to the door? Should she just honk the horn? Why was dating so frustrating? 

"I should go," she sighed to herself, turning off the car. 

The night air was chilly and quickly seeped through her tights and light jacket as she slowly made her way to the door. She had no idea what time it was, or how close she was to 8, but she needed to at least get this part over with. If things went south at the dance, she could always flee and find her friends. But now they were about to be locked in a metal box together for at least 15 minutes. Her hand was still shaking as she pressed the doorbell. 

"Eric! Your date is here!" Mrs. Matthew's familiar voice cheered. 

She was just composing herself when the door swung open, revealing an ecstatic Eric. 

"Whirley!" he greeted. 

"Hi Matthews," she stuttered. 

"Madison is your date? Hi dear!" Mrs. Matthews greeted from over his shoulder. 

Eric's eyes quickly scanned her body and she felt uncomfortable under his stare. She almost snorted at the fact that his shirt was also maroon, almost exactly the same shade as hers. 

"You look great Whirley, Cory's coming," Eric quickly said, moving to leave the house, "Cory your ride is leaving!"

It all happened so fast, and she was still trying to process his compliment. 'You look great Whirley'. Why did he have to look so cute when he said it? He was so close to her as they walked back to her car, which she knew would garner a reaction. 

"Wow, you have a mustang!" Eric said incredulously, "You don't even need to get a hot senior to drive you around."

Madison rolled her eyes at this and accidentally let slip a giggle; that smug look on Eric's face was not something she wanted to encourage. He looked over his shoulder and smiled at her, waiting at the passenger door. 

"Wait, I'm coming!"

A small blur of motion ripped past her as Cory Matthews bolted down their front path to her car. Madison giggled, again, and rounded to the drivers side. All four doors were unlocked and they slid into her car. She couldn't believe that two thirds of the Matthews children were in her car. Wild. 


"Here, let me take your coat," Eric offered. 

What a gentleman. 

"You really like to roll your eyes don't you?" Eric commented. 

She hadn't even realized she had rolled her eyes. That definitely came from her subconscious. 

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