the end

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Madison Chirley was an idiot

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Madison Chirley was an idiot. An absolute idiot. 

When Amy called her to let her know that Eric was leaving the following day and invited her to his goodbye supper, she should've said 'good riddance' and left it at that. But she didn't. And now she was standing outside of Chubbie's with a small gift. It was a type of necklace that was marketed for guys - short string with an oblong piece of wood on it, with a very small inscription of 'WHIRLEY' on the back. There was a little clip that he could add anything on to it, if he wanted. Madison had purchased it before the fight, and couldn't leave it at her house or bring it with her; she had to give it to him. At least that's what she told herself. 

As she entered Chubbie's and made her way towards the back, a smile tugged at her cheeks at the image of Eric standing there with his framed high school diploma. He looked so handsome in his outfit of a blue button-up tucked into jeans. She was glad he didn't notice her as he began his speech. 

"You know, I really don't think I could've done this without everyone in this room believing in me," Eric announced, eyes scanning the room, "That's why this diploma, which signifies my intelligence, belongs as much to you as it does to... I."

"Me," Feeny spoke up. 

She hadn't even noticed the trio of Mr. Turner, Mr. Feeny, and Mr. Williams in the corner. 

"I included you," Eric added. 

Madison wrapped her arms around herself and snickered, leaning against the wall, as Cory popped up from his seat. Things did not look better for the brothers. 

"Attention everybody," Cory began, before pausing, "To my brother Eric... who's moving out, and not just for four years, probably forever. And I don't even know him, and now I probably never will."

She promised herself she wasn't going to cry. 

"15 years in the same room Eric. 15 years... Goodbye," Cory said softly, shaking Eric's hand solemnly and moving past him, "I-I hope you have a nice life, I really do." 

Madison bit the inside of her cheek at this, as it mirrored the last conversation she had with Eric. 

"I'm sorry everyone," Cory finished.

Madison felt her chest constrict as Cory walked past her, alerting her presence to the party. Eric just stared at her, as though he was seeing a ghost. Silently, he put down whatever he was holding and approached her. 

"Hi," she whispered. 

"Hi," Eric hushed, "I didn't think you'd come."

"I didn't think so either," Madison said honestly, "But I came to give you this."

Her hands shook as she held out the small box. His fingertips brushed hers as he took it from her and sent shivers up her arms. She watched his reaction closely as he unboxed it and held the necklace in his hand. 

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