the internship

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"So, what brings you into the station today?" Madison mused, putting on a mock professional attitude

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"So, what brings you into the station today?" Madison mused, putting on a mock professional attitude. 

"Well, my media teacher Mr. Eli Williams recommended I apply for this internship," Eric answered, trying to keep a smile off his face, "I'm hoping to get into college and I think this internship will give me the experience I need."

Madison smiled and nodded in acknowledgement, leaning forwards and pressing a chaste kiss to his lips. Eric had called her a few hours ago, utterly ecstatic about the prospect of an internship at the local news station. Madison, of course, came over right away to help him prepare. Surprisingly enough, it was her idea to give him a kiss for every right answer. 

"These kisses are getting shorter and shorter Mads," Eric complained, attempting to kiss her once again. 

"Ah ah ah! Not so fast Matthews, we still have a couple questions," Madison defended, leaning back to dodge his lips. 

"Come on," Eric groaned, lying down on his back. 

They were currently up in his room, both perched on his bed. Although the door was open, Madison was surprised that his parents were letting them up in his room alone - Madison's parents would never. Eric's eyes fluttered closed as he laid there, and she snickered, they hadn't even been working for 10 minutes. Madison shifted closer to him, brushing his hair out of his eyes. She smiled as he hummed quietly in response. 

She had known Eric Matthews for a very long time, but would never have guessed how quietly he loved. When it was just them, it was soft - no exaggerated jokes, no expectations, just them. As she looked down at his peaceful face, she couldn't believe that out of everyone he chose her. 

"Kids! Dinner!" 

Eric groaned and quickly sat up, finding his feet. He extended a hand and smiled goofily down at her. Rolling her eyes, Madison accepted the hand and found her feet - allowing Eric to lead her towards the stairs. 

"You know, when we started dating I thought the eye rolling would stop," Eric sighed. 

"Shut up you goof," Madison mumbled, descending the stairs behind him. 

"Hey guys, how goes the practicing?" Amy inquired, carrying a bowl of mashed potatoes to the table. 

"I think he's got a pretty good shot," Madison complimented. 

The couple quickly found their seats at the table, an extra seat being placed for Madison, and she began to talk animatedly to Morgan. Her and Morgan got along quite well together, both being sarcastic and the youngest sibling. Amy and Alan chattered away about work and adult stuff, while Cory stared into his mashed potatoes. She felt bad for him, as he was still in love with Topanga. It came as a shock to Madison when Eric told her they had broken up. Eric was currently listening in to what his parents were saying, which was new for him. 

Madison couldn't help but smile as she glanced around the table. Her family rarely ate together, as Anna no longer lived with them and her father preferred to eat in the living room. It felt so nice to be a part of this family. 

"So, Madison, have you started planning everything for Oxford?" Amy inquired, her voice singsong. 

She quickly swallowed her bite of carrots and nodded, taking a moment before speaking. 

"My mom has already started making packing lists and my sister and I started going through the list of classes," Madison explained, "I won't have to finalize any decisions until the summer so it's all just fun now. I get so excited every time we get a package!"

Amy and Madison chattered on and on about Oxford and how Amy had had dreams when she was younger to move abroad, prompting Alan to grumble along. Everyone at the table began to join in to the conversation, even the sulking Cory. 

One person that didn't join in, however, was Eric. He was weirdly quiet at the dinner table. As Amy and Alan moved to clear the dinner plates and bring a dessert over, Madison glanced over at him. He was twiddling with the fork in his hand, and grinding his teeth - something she noticed he did when he was thinking, or stewing. 

"Hey," Madison said lightly.

His eyes locked with hers and she saw an emotion she couldn't recognize. It was gone as soon as she saw it and he smiled. 

"Hey," Eric responded, a teasing tone to his voice. 


"I'll get it!" Madison shrieked, her feet pounding down the stairs. 

The sound of phone ringing echoed throughout the house, and she knew that the timing was perfect for Eric to call her. She was so excited to find out if he had made it. 

"We should just get you a phone in your room," Corinne snorted. 

Madison's hand quickly wrapped around the phone and pulled it to her ear. Part of her was expecting to hear a telemarketers' voice, but she was glad to hear Eric's. 


"Eric?" Madison responded, her voice nervous.

"I got it!" Eric shouted. 

Madison cheered, pulling the phone away from her mouth so it wasn't so loud. 

"Oh my god Eric that's amazing! Tell me everything!" 

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