the finality

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"My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep

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"My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep... the more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are... infinite," Eric murmured, eyes scouring the pages of Romeo and Juliet. 

Madison hummed in response, eyes closed. They were both laying on his bed, his back pressed against his headboard and legs straight out in front of him. Madison was curled into his side, arms wrapped around his torso. She had somehow convinced him to finish his English homework (reading a couple plays by Shakespeare) by allowing him to read to her. Madison could probably read the entire works of Shakespeare within a couple of hours, but didn't mind hearing the slow words of Eric. 

"I hear-" Eric spoke, before being interrupted by the doorbell ringing, "Hold on, Mom's friend is probably here."

Eric gently slid out of her hold, taking the book with him as he jogged out of the room and down the stairs. Madison refused to move from her spot, and smooshed her face into his pillow. It smelled like him. 

She could hear him talking to whoever the guest was but decided against trying to hear. Her eyes flittered open as she rolled over, staring at the ceiling. A slight chill passed through her but was cut off by the warmth of his red sweater. Yes, her favourite red sweater of his. She knew she should've been home right now, beginning her final exam prep (they were in a few days) but she didn't want to move. All she wanted to do was be with him. 

As she stared at the ceiling, her chest tightened - feeling overtaken with emotions. She used to hate feeling like this, but now it felt comforting. It felt comforting to know she cared for someone so much that it overwhelmed her. 

"You actually moved!"

Her head lolled to the side, taking in a smirking Eric. 

"Surprise," Madison deadpanned, fighting against her smile, "Who was it?"

Eric came around to the other side of the bed, plopping down beside her. He chuckled as she immediately latched on to him once again. 

"I was right, it was my mom's friend Brenda. She didn't get the message that my mom wasn't able to set her up with a date tonight," Eric answered, beginning to rub circles on her back. 

"Hmm," Madison mused in response. 

"You know... she did ask me on a date," Eric poked. 

If her eyes weren't closed she would've rolled them. Instead, she flittered them open and rested her chin on his chest - looking up at him with a mockingly quizzical face. 

"Oh? Is that so?" Madison hummed, "And what did you say?"

"Well, I told her that I was flattered but I already had the hottest girlfriend waiting upstairs for me," Eric said lowly, pressing a kiss to her nose. 

She wrinkled it in response, but smiled regardless. He was sickly sweet sometimes. 

"You know we're going to be the hottest couple at the prom right?" Eric added, brushing her hair out of her face. 

"Oh of course," Madison snorted. 

"I'm serious Mads! You in that smoking black number you got and me in my tux? Incomparable," he defended, only half joking, "Not to say that we haven't been the hottest couple these past 5 months."

"Well I'm glad you think so loverboy," Madison teased, lifting herself up to press a kiss on his lips.

Eric flashed his usual smile in response and went quiet for a moment. In that moment of silence, the question that was stuck in her brain nagged at her. 

"Eric..." Madison began.

He glanced down at her, prompting her to continue. 

"What are we going to do after high school?" Madison murmured. 

A pause. 

"Well, we're going on that amazing road trip," Eric answered, "I mean all 50 states that's one hell of a-"

"Yes, well, I meant more along the lines of college," Madison interrupted, "Eric, I'm moving halfway across the world."

She felt his hand on her back go a little limp as he avoided her blatant eye contact. He was stewing, she could tell. All she wanted was him to reassure her it was all going to fine. 

"I think that's something we can talk about when it actually happens Mads," Eric finally said, crushing her spirit a little bit, "Now, about prom..."

As he launched into his explanation of what the whole night would look like, Madison bit her lip. This was the third time she had tried to breach this subject, and it always circled back to prom or the road trip or literally anything else. It was getting closer and closer and they had to talk about it eventually. 

She didn't want to leave without a plan. 

And she didn't want to leave him either. 

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