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"Maddy, what are you doing?"

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"Maddy, what are you doing?"

"Nothing Mom, just waiting," Madison mumbled.

Madison was currently stationed at the front window, squinting into the darkness for any sign of a familiar rusty car. Her stomach was in knots and she was forcing herself not to pick at the end of her shirt - not a dress this time. She had borrowed a loose white turtleneck from Jess and paired it with her favourite pair of blue toned plaid pants. Eric had assured her that it was just going to be a causal date.

Yes, date.

She was going on a date with Eric Matthews.

And he was on his way.

"You're going to freak him out if he pulls into the driveway and you're just staring at him," Corinne sighed, coming over to comfort her daughter.

Madison didn't know why she was being so neurotic. They had literally kissed and danced in a subway less than a week ago, and yet, a dinner at Chubbie's was nerve-racking.

"Oh god he's here," Madison almost shrieked, bounding away from the window and awkwardly placing herself by the door.

"That's your cue Pete," Corinne mused.

Pete begrudgingly put down his book and pushed himself up from his chair, prompting Madison to groan. Did her parents really have to embarrass her?

"We did the same thing for all of Anna's boyfriends," Corinne argued in response to her groan.

Madison went to mention the fact that they hadn't done it for Johnny or Aaron when they had picked her up, but then remembered that she hadn't exactly told them the truth about those nights. Oopsies.

Her heart leapt into her throat as the doorbell rang through the house.

"Do not embarrass me," Madison seethed as she reached for the door handle.

She felt like she was going to puke as she swung open the door, revealing a smiling Eric. He was wearing the cutest red sweater and his usual jeans. And his leather jacket. He was so handsome it made her want to scream.

"Hey Mads," Eric greeted, eyes bright.

He had taken to alternating whether or not he called her Mads or Whirley, and she appreciated the change.

"Eric Matthews, it's been years since we've seen you!" Corinne cooed.

"Hello Mrs. Chirley," Eric greeted, "Mr. Chirley."

Madison hadn't even noticed that her father was now looming over her shoulder. It seemed he was attempting to make an effort to intimidate. Maybe it was working, she couldn't tell.

"Eric, have her home by 10," Pete simply spoke, reaching out his hand to shake.

"Of course sir," Eric agreed, strongly shaking his hand.

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