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                            𝘧𝘪𝘷𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘩𝘴 𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳

five months later and there you were, standing at the gates of fukurodani academy ready for a new start. five months later and you still had akaashi's handkerchief with you. you never forgot him and for some reason you still thought about him.

your father had gotten a new job in tokyo and you were forced to move, you werent that sad about leaving miyagi but you'd definitely miss that place. you walked through the hallways and heard people muttering "is that the new second year ?" "i heard shes from miyagi."

you brushed it off. you were never really popular and you liked it that way, instead of going to a party you'd rather read a book in the comfort of your own home. you were trying to find your class when suddenly you heard someone behind you scream "HEY HEY HEY !!!"

you stumbled backwards shocked by the loud noise to find a golden eyed man with spiky black and white hair. "uh h-hi" you stuttered nervously. you were quite small compared to him and he kind of scared you.

"are you the new second year ??" he asked curiously. "y-yes im l/n y/n pleased to meet you." you said with a small smile. "im bokuto koutarou!! a third year and im the captain of the boys volleyball team." he said proudly.

you smiled. this dude wasnt scary at all, he was quite nice actually. "say, uh, bokuto-san, would you mind helping me find my class ? i dont really know my way around yet." you chuckled nervously.

"sure !! what class are you in ? my best friend is a second year too !! maybe you'll meet him !!" he said excitedly. suddenly you heard a familiar voice behind you "bokuto-san what are you doing here ?"

you turned your head and your eyes met the familiar blue-green ones that belonged to a raven haired boy. "l/n-san ?" the boy said shocked. "akaashi ?!" you said equally as shocked as he was. you of course remembered that he was from tokyo but you didnt expect to seem him here.

"ehhhhh ? you two know each other ?" bokuto asked confused. "well not exactly, i found her cryi—" akaashi started but you quickly put your hand over his mouth. "n-no i-i just bumped into him s-somewhere and he h-helped me find my way to um a.. a bakery !! yeah a bakery..." you trailed off.

you realized you hand was still clamping akaashi's mouth shut and you quickly took it back with a red face. bokuto on the other hand was very confused with what was going on between you two but decided not to push it. "hey l/n ! akaashi is in class 2-6 too ! maybe you guys can walk together i need to get to my own class. bye !!"

bokuto waved at you two as he walked away leaving you alone with akaashi. "u-uhm sorry about that. i-i was a bit e-embarrassed." you said burying your red face in your hands.
akaashi chuckled softly. "dont worry about it
l/n-san, but we should really get to class if we dont want to be late."

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