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𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐄 𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐔𝐒 𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐄 more, this time on your way to an official match. you took a glance at your seat mate, akaashi, who was sleeping peacefully with his cheek pressed against the window. you chuckled at the sight before taking your headphones out of your bag and plugging them in.

you soon drifted off to sleep, the peaceful melody filling your head.

"Y/N CHHHHHAAAAN !!" you heard bokuto screech, you groaned and sat up to rub the sleep out of your eyes. you opened your eyes only to come face to face with akaashi, you let out a small squeak when you realized how close your faces were and gently pushed him away.

the boy turned red and apologized, "i— sorry
y/n i didn't mean to um..." he stuttered out. "its alright keiji dont worry about it." you replied before getting up , a red tint also decorating your cheeks.

you gathered up your things and followed the raven haired boy into the gym, "wow this gym is huge." you exclaimed with wide eyes. "yeah, it is so dont get lost." konoha snickered. "shut up !" you scowled, smacking the back of his head.

bokuto was in his own world, hopping around the gym excitedly. it took akaashi a while to calm the white haired captain down but whrn he finally did he shoved bokuto into the changing room, forcing him to change.

you sat back watched bokuto whine about wanting to 'explore' the gym more but akaashi made sure that he changed and got warmed up for their game. you helped yukie fill some water bottles and prepare towels incase they were needed.

you turned around to find bokuto looking at you with puppy eyes, "L/N-CHAN WE NEED YOUR GOOD LUCK HEAD PATS PLEASE." he pouted. you smiled widely at him and gave his head a gentle pat. "HEY I WANT ONE TOO !" konoha yelled, komi nodded in agreement.

you rolled your eyes, they were like five year old children but you didn't mind. you gave konoha's head a pat, along with everyone else's. you stopped at akaashi but he looked at you and shrugged. "really ? you too ?" you asked with a chuckle before reaching your hand up to pat his head.

but before you could do anything he grabbed your wrist and gave you a hug, it only lasted for a second and you couldn't do anything but stand there in shock. bokuto screeched and konoha's jaw almost hit the floor. komi, washio, and sarukui just stood there with wide eyes, watching as the setter walked away like nothing happened.

you eventually came to your senses and rushed back to where yukie and kaori were, burying your red face in your hands as they teased you.
"y/n-chan ! just confess to him already." yukie said, nudging you. "i dont want to." you said with a pout on your face.

"you better do it soon before someone steals him away." kaori said with a wink.

you bit your lip nervously, fukurodani was at match point. you watched as akaashi set the ball to bokuto who slammed the ball with all his might. you sighed in relief, watching as the ball hit the opponent's side of the court. the match was finally over.

yukie grabbed towels and water bottles to hand to the sweaty boys, you were quick to follow her gesture, making your way over to the team.

bokuto could barely contain his excitement and bounced over to you, squeezing you in a sweaty hug. "Y/N-CHAN WE WON WE WON !!" he screamed. you laughed nervously and gave his back a pat. "i can see that bokuto-san."

bokuto let go of you and continued his celebration, which consisted of jumping around and screaming "WE WOOOON !!" you shook your head, wondering how he still had energy to jump around after working so hard to beat the opposing team.

the ride back home was silent, everyone was exhausted and sleepy so you were the only one awake. akaashi had his head resting on the window once more, you winced as you watching his cheek bang against the window, he didn't seem to mind or even notice it.

you gently laid his head on your lap, it reminded you of the ride to training camp. you smiled at the memory before giving his head a gentle pat. you spent the rest of the ride watching as the skies turned different colors as the sun set.


unedited !! and sorry for the
crappy ending i had no idea
what to write ISNDKDMKD

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