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𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐎𝐊𝐄 𝐔𝐏 𝐓𝐇𝐄 next morning with a horrible cold. you told your dad you could still go to school but it seemed clear to him that you couldn't. "y/n, you have to stay home in order to get better, you could infect other students too." he had told you before leaving for work.

you groaned and made your way back to your room. you sniffled softly before grabbing your phone and tapping on akaashi's number.

keiji '':

keiji hii ! im sick today and i
wont be coming to school. my
dad already informed the teachers
but can you tell bokuto-san
i can't tutor him today ? thank
you !! <33

the boy frowned at your message before texting you back.

y/n :

im coming over after school.

y/n :
huh ? wait keiji you dont
have to !! i'll be fine on
my own :DD

you sighed. it has been 30 minutes since your last text to him, you hoped that he wouldn't come, you didn't really want him to see you looking...like this. you shook it off and plopped your head down on your pillow once more, dozing off to the sound of raindrops hitting your window a certain boy still on your mind.

akaashi arrived at your door and knocked gently. when he got no answer, he twisted the door knob only to find the door was unlocked, 'the door was unlocked ? what was she thinking ?' he thought to himself.

he very quietly made his way up to your room and found you snuggled up in your blankets snoring softly. the raven haired boy smiled at the sight before making his way back to the kitchen to make you soup, he stopped by convenience store before coming over, not wanting to use anything from your kitchen.

when he finished, he carried the bowl up to your room. you were still sleeping in the same position as when he first arrived, on your side hugging a pillow. he gently shook you awake, your eyes met akaashi's and you groaned as you tried to sit up. "keiji, what are you doing here ?" you asked yawning.

"i texted you saying i was going to come over didn't i ?" he said taking the bowl from the table. "i made you soup."

"thanks keiji." you said smiling before attempting to take the bowl from him but he shook his head, "i'll feed you, you might spill it." your face turned fifty shades of red and you shook your head aggressively, "i-i can do it on my own." you stuttered.

he shook his head again, "come on, its not a big deal." he said gesturing for you to open your mouth. you blushed again but complied, not having energy to argue anymore.

a few minutes later, akaashi noticed your eyes drooping and put the bowl and spoon away. he draped the blanket over your body, you fell asleep immediately, almost forgetting he was there. a small smile crept up to his face, he took a look around your messy room. there were books scattered everywhere and tissues lying on the floor next to your bed.

he picked your books up and put them back in their proper places before throwing the tissues in the trash bin, he was cleaning for about an hour and by the time he finished cleaning you had woken up.

you rubbed your eyes and groaned. "eh ? keiji you're still here ?" you asked a hint of shock in your voice. "sorry i fell asleep." the boy chuckled, "its alright. i'll be leaving now." he said gathering his things. but before he could leave you grabbed his wrist.

"wait...keiji, why were you mad at me yesterday ?" you asked quietly. akaashi's cheeks turned red at your question. "i-its nothing and i wasnt mad at you." he said, silently scolding himself for stuttering. you furrowed your eyebrows, "you dont have to hide it from me." you said.

akaashi sighed at your stubbornness, "im not hiding anything from you y/n, i told you it was nothing." he said before patting your head. "you should get some more rest, goodnight." he said before walking out the door. "at least let me walk you down !"

after saying goodbye to akaashi you were about to make your way back upstairs when you found a letter sitting on the kitchen table along with a white plastic bag.

you took a peek inside the bag and a smile crept up to your face when you found it was filled with your favorite snacks.

"eat these when you're no longer sick.

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