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"𝐇𝐄𝐘, 𝐊𝐀𝐎𝐑𝐈-𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐍 ?" you called out to your friend, "can i take a short break?" you asked. you had been getting headaches a lot lately, it was probably due to the heat, it was boiling hot outside.

"sure y/n-chan!" she said, giving you a small smile, "just be back before lunch." you made your way over to a shaded hill and sat under a tree. a sigh escaped your lips as you leaned back against it.  "boo," a voice behind you whispered in your ear. you shrieked, only to find kuroo laughing his ass off at you.

"tetsurou!!" you whined. "s-sorry y/n," he said between laughs. "anyways, there's something i wanted to ask you about," you told him. he stopped laughing and took a seat next to you.

"i-i dont know how to say this but," you took a deep breath, "i think im falling for someone."
kuroo felt a pang of jealousy but ignored it. he wanted you to be happy; he couldn't get jealous. "well? are you gonna tell me who it is?" he asked, forcing a smirk on his face.

"its akaashi..." you said quietly. 'i knew it.' kuroo thought, his eyes saddened. he hoped that maybe there was a chance that it was him, but it seemed all hope was lost.

"y/n, i have something to say too," he said. he figured that he should take his chance, maybe confessing would help him move on, "i really like you y/n, i've liked you since we were kids.
i know you cant accept my feelings but i just had to tell you. i hope this doesnt ruin our friendship in any way." he did it. he finally confessed.

"im sorry, tetsurou." you said with tears in your eyes. you gave him a hug and he held you tightly.  kuroo smiled, despite the fact that tears were threatening to fall from his eyes. maybe, just maybe, being just friends wasn't so bad.

you and kuroo walked into the lunch room, everyone seemed to notice you both looked down, so they decided to leave you alone. (JANSKSMKDKSKDK) you made your way over to where the boys were sitting and plopped down next to bokuto.

"y/n-chan whats wrong?" bokuto asked with a concerned look on his face.  you forced a smile onto your face and told him not to worry about it.  this didn't go unnoticed by akaashi but he decided to wait until later to ask you about it.

you conversed with bokuto for the rest of your break, and by the time it ended you already felt better. you decided to take a walk to clear your mind but before you could go anywhere akaashi grabbed your wrist.

"oh, keiji!" you said, your mood brightening. "i was going to go on a walk, wanna come?"
akaashi nodded his head before letting go of your wrist.  you walked in silence for a while until he finally spoke up. "y/n, are you okay? you seem sad and i was worried about you," he said, cheeks tinted pink.

you blushed as well, staring down at your shoes to hide it. "im okay, thank you for being concerned keiji," you told him with a small smile.  he, of course, didn't buy it but decided not to push it any further, instead just nodding his head.

"if you need someone to talk to im always here," he said softly. you smiled gratefully and gave him a hug. he stiffened up at first but relaxed into your touch, burying his face in your hair. "thank you," you whispered. he stayed silent, not wanting to separate from you. then after a few seconds more you finally pulled away.

"i'll walk you to your room." he said, taking your hand in his."tetsurou confessed to me," you blurted out.  akaashi's eyes widened. "before you ask, no, i didn't accept." he let out a quiet sigh of relief.

he himself had taken interest in you and planned on asking you out soon, but never knew when the right moment was. he swore to himself that he wouldn't tell bokuto about it, knowing that the black and white haired owl would blurt it out to you sooner or later.

"oh, okay. is that why you were sad?" he asked, staring into your eyes. you gave him a small nod. "i only see him as a brother," you said softly, "and im scared i hurt him."

"im sure kuroo-san will understand," akaashi said, he really didn't know what to say, i mean his crush just got confessed to.  "i hope so," you sighed. "this is my room. thank you for walking me back keiji!" you said, stopping in front of your door.

you leaned up quickly and pecked his cheek before giving him a closed-eyed smile and rushing inside.  a blush made its way up to his face as he ran his fingers over the part of his cheek you kissed.

'i really have fallen for her'

𝗘𝗨𝗣𝗛𝗢𝗥𝗜𝗔    ᵃᵏᵃᵃˢʰⁱ ᵏᵉⁱʲⁱWhere stories live. Discover now