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"i think i'll take you up on that offer."

𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐅𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐖𝐈𝐓𝐇 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐅𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐒 nervously, you were standing in front of the gym, just as you were about to open the door it opened on its own revealing bokuto in his volleyball jersey.

his eyes lit up when he saw you "L/N-CHAAAANNNNNNNN !!" he exclaimed loudly catching everyone's attention. you blushed when you felt everyone's eyes on you, "u-uhh hi ?" you said. "are you here to watch me practice ??" the golden eyed boy asked with a wide smile on your face.

"im actually here to become a manager..or apply to be one at least." you said giving a small smile back. you noticed akaashi standing behind bokuto with the smallest smile on his face, suddenly two girls came up to you, "hi ! im suzumeda kaori and this is shirofuku yukie !" she said gesturing to a girl with short brown hair beside her.

"we're the managers of the team and akaashi told us you were interested in becoming a manager ?" you gave them a soft smile. "yes. im quite familiar with volleyball as i used to play in junior high, but other than that i dont know much about being a manager." you said.

yukie gave you a smile, "dont worry !! its not hard at all and we'll be here to help if you need anything." you thanked the short haired girl gratefully and she gave you a warm smile back.

you watched as akaashi set a ball to bokuto who spiked it energetically, 'bokuto-san wasn't lying when he said akaashi was a good setter.' you thought, your eyes still on the raven haired boy.

his eyes suddenly traveled up to where you were sitting and connected with yours.
your face turned bright red and you broke the eye contact, staring down at your shoes instead. yukie noticed this and decided to tease you about, "ehh l/n-san have you maybe taken interest in anyone on the team ?" she asked with a smirk on her face.

your face turned even redder than before ss you turned to her, "a-ah n-no, me and akaashi are just friends—" yukie giggled at you answer, her suspicions were correct. "if you like akaashi i think you should tell him, im pretty sure he likes you too."

you sighed, there was no hiding it now. "buy im scared of rejection, what if he doesn't like me ?" you asked. "so you admit it !!" yukie exclaimed loudly. "but really, l/n, i think he likes you too." she said with a wink. you smiled at her, "please call me y/n, yukie-chan."

you stepped outside the gym only to realize it had been raining. 'oh no' you thought to yourself. you had offered to stay behind and clean the gym after the boys practiced and you had forgotten to bring an umbrella.

"y/n ?" called a voice behind you. you turned to see akaashi walking up to you with an umbrella in his hand. "o-oh hi keiji.." you said, still embarrassed that he has caught you staring at him. "why are you still here ?" you asked.

"i remembered it was going to rain today and i wanted to make sure you got home safely so i was waiting for you." he said with a small blush on his face. your face turned red but you gave the boy a wide smile, "thank you keiji ! that means a lot to me."

the boy nodded and gave you a small smile before taking your hand and pulling you under the umbrella. the both of you walked in a comfortable silence under the rain before akaashi broke the silence once again. "y/n, would you like to come to training camp with us ?"

"h-huh ?" you asked surprised. "i just became manager and you're already inviting me to training camp ?" "shirofuku-san and suzumeda-san made me ask you." he said shrugging. "when is it ?" you asked turning to face him.

"in two days." the boy replied bluntly. "...sure ! i'll go." you said smiling at him. akaashi looked at you with a surprised expression on his face.

"what ?" you asked. "we're you expecting me to say no ? im sure suzumeda-san and yukie-chan will need help, i would be a bad friend to turn them down." you said looking down at your shows.

a small smile made its way up to akaashi's face.
"i'll let them know that you'll be coming." the two of you stopped in front of your house "thank you for walking me home." you said smiling at the boy in front of you.

"its no problem, goodnight." he said before giving your head a gentle pat before walking away. a small smile made its way up to your face as you walked inside your house.
"Y/NNNNN !!" you dad boomed from the kitchen.

"wHO WAS THAT BOY ? WAS HE YOUR BOYFRIEND ?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows.

"DAD !!"

𝗘𝗨𝗣𝗛𝗢𝗥𝗜𝗔    ᵃᵏᵃᵃˢʰⁱ ᵏᵉⁱʲⁱWhere stories live. Discover now