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08: 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗰𝗮𝗺𝗽

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08: 𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗰𝗮𝗺𝗽

'this week should be interesting'

𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐏𝐏𝐄𝐃 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐔𝐒 following yukie and kaori and spotted bokuto running towards a tall dude with weird looking hair.

'he looks quite familiar.' you thought.

"...y/n ?" a quiet voice behind you said.

you turned around to meet the eyes of kenma kozume, your childhood friend.

"kozume ?" you asked in disbelief, pulling him into a hug, he squirmed a little but didn't pull away.  "its been so long !" you exclaimed. it had been about 3 years since you last saw each other, your parents were very close friends and you did everything with kenma and kuroo and they were like brothers to you.

"is tetsurou here too ?" you asked, remembering that they both went to nekoma for highschool. kenma nodded and pointed to the guy talking to bokuto. a smile creeped up to your face, no wonder he looked familiar.

"tetsurou !" you screeched tackling him in a hug. the boy stumbled backwards but regained his balance and looked at you in shock.  "y/n-chan ? is it really you ?" he asked examining your face. "yes, idiot." you said flicking his forehead.

you noticed bokuto gaping at the two of you. "are you kuroo's long distance girlfriend or something ?"

"WHAT ? no we're just childhood friends." you said with a bright red face.

"you still have a thing for her don't you ?" kenma asked his friend when they finally separated from you.

"...yeah." kuroo sighed. "but she seems to have taken interest in someone else." he said glancing at you talking to akaashi.

"and i want nothing more
but for her to be happy."

the first day of training camp went by pretty smoothly, everyone was really nice and you even got to know some of the other teams managers.

you gaped at kiyoko. 'how is she so pretty—'
"y/n-chan !" your thoughts were interrupted by yukie who was jogging towards you carrying towels and water bottles.  "can you bring these to the boys please ?" she asked panting softly.

you gave her a small smile and nodded your head, you made your way over to where they were standing and started handing out water bottles.  "thanks f/n." akaashi said taking the towel and water bottle from you.

"y/N ?" bokuto screeched. "CAN I CALL YOU THAT TOO L/N-SAN ?"

you giggled and nodded your head, "sure bokuto-san." you noticed konoha snickering behind bokuto, "first name basis huh ?" you heard him say quietly. your face turned red as you smacked the back of his head, "oooWWww l/n-chaann!" the boy whined.

akaashi watched the both of you from a distance with a small smile on his face, you turned around and your eyes locked with his.
a blush rose to your cheeks and you quickly turned away.  'cute.' he thought smiling to himself.

you were sitting on a bench in gym 3 doing schoolwork while the boys we're playing.
bokuto and kuroo had somehow managed to get him to play with them and you had decided to sit and watch them.

"YAYYY" kuroo exclaimed as he blocked bokuto, "hAAaaaAaAaa ?" bokuto screeched, you giggled at the sight before you and continued writing your essay on your laptop.
"whats that ?" a voice behind you asked. you jumped snd turned around to meet akaashi's blue-green eyes.

you sighed in relief. "dont sneak up on me like that !" you scolded him lightly. he chuckled, "sorry." he said before sitting down next to you.
you continued to work with him watching you for a couple minutes before you felt his head on your shoulder.

"wha— keiji..." you said shocked by his actions.
"be my pillow for a while." he mumbled. your eyes widened but you smiled as you gave his head a gentle pat and continued your work.

he would occasionally correct your grammar, but to be honest, you couldn't really concentrate on your work. "guys !" kaori called from the entrance. "you all better get to the cafeteria before it closes or you wont get any dinner !" she said.

akaashi lifted his head from your shoulder and stood up before reaching a hand out to you. you gladly accepted it and gathered your things.  when you reached the cafeteria you set your things down at the managers table before heading off to find some food.

"yukie-chan !" you called, walking over to her and setting your tray down. "ah, y/n-chan ! thanks for your help today. you did great." she said.  after dinner you put your tray away and decided to get back to your room to get some sleep. you yawned and made your way towards the door.

"y/n !" you raised your head up to find akaashi calling out to you. "i'll walk you to your room." he said.  you nodded and smiled at him before continuing to walk next to him.

your hand brushed against his a couple times and you finally took his hand and held it tightly, the boy glanced at you, a small blush creeping up to his cheeks.

when the both of you got to your room he gave your forehead a gentle kiss, "goodnight."
he said before running off.

you smiled to yourself and entered your room trying your best not to squeal.

'i really have fallen for him.'

𝗘𝗨𝗣𝗛𝗢𝗥𝗜𝗔    ᵃᵏᵃᵃˢʰⁱ ᵏᵉⁱʲⁱWhere stories live. Discover now