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𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐒 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐃 solving yet another math equation that you couldn't get right. it was currently 3:00 am and you were up studying for a math exam.

you decided to go to a nearby convenience store to get some snacks and ice cream,
you threw on an oversized t-shirt you found on the floor along with some shorts and began your journey. when you finally arrived you greeted the sleepy looking cashier and gave her a small smile before heading off to find ice cream.

after grabbing a few snacks you made your way back to the cashier only to spot a familiar raven haired boy. "keiji ??" you gasped and clamped your mouth shut with your hand. the boy's eyes widened as he looked up to see you standing in front of him.

'shit, i called him by his first name without permission-' your thoughts were cut off by akaashi. "l/n-san ?"

"a-ah, hi akaashi.." you trailed off, embarrassed. "im sorry i called you by your first name without permission, i really didnt mean it— i just blurted it out" you said frantically waving your hands around like a dork.

akaashi let out a small chuckle, "calm down y/n. please call me keiji from now on." he said giving you a gentle pat on the head. you were shocked and just stared at him with wide eyes. 'he called me by my first name— dumbass, say something.'

"t-then you can call me y/n." you said with a small smile on your face. "akaa— keiji, what are you doing here ? its 3 am." you said."i could ask you the same thing." he said. "i was studying for a stupid math test and i happened to get hungry so i came here." the boy glanced at the things in your basket, "ice cream isnt the healthiest thing to eat at 3 in the morning, you might get sick." he said blankly.

you stuck your tounge out at him, "you're not my mom." you said childishly, crossing your arms at him. "i'll go pay for these." you mumbled. after you paid you gave a small wave and muttered 'goodnight' to the cashier.

you noticed akaashi was still paying for his stuff so you sighed and started walking back home. "y/n !!" you turned your head to see akaashi walking towards you. "i'll walk you home. it's dangerous." he said with his usual emotionless expression.

"e-eh? keiji you dont have to.." you told him but the boy was already walking ahead of you.
"o-oi ! wait up !!" you said as you hurried to catch up to him.

"hey keiji ?" you asked.


"wanna go somewhere ?"

and thats how you ended up sitting on a hill gazing at the stars with the raven haired setter next to you. you sat on the grass, happily munching on your ice cream while gazing at the stars shining brightly in the sky.

"the stars are beautiful." you stated, staring at the sky in awe. "they are." akaashi replied taking a glance an you. 'cute' he thought watching you eat your ice cream with your eyes sparkling. "want some ?" you asked, handing him the ice cream. "we can use the same spoon, i dont mind." you said.

akaashi inwardly chuckled at your obliviousness, its like you were saying you didnt mind an indirect kiss, but took the ice cream from you anyways.

"how did you find this place ?" the boy asked.
"i just come here to clear my mind. no one knows of this place except me, you're the first person i've ever brought." you replied not taking your eyes away from the sky.

the setter nodded his head before saying, "if your ever have something on your mind you can speak to me about it, or bokuto-san though im not sure he'd be able to help very much."

you turned to akaashi and gave him a wide smile. "thank you" you said happily. "im glad to have you as a friend." ( DAMN YALL HAD THE AUDACITY TO FRIENDZONE HIM—)

akaashi gave a small smile back and nodded. "we should get going. its already 4 in the morning and your dad might get worried." he said. "come on, i'll walk you home." he extended his hand towards you and you gladly took it, however, he didnt let go.

he turned away to hide the small blush that had formed on his cheeks. your eyes widened in shock, but you didnt let go either. you hands intertwined the whole walk back to your house, when you finally arrived you both let go.

"goodnight keiji" you said giving the boy a smile. "thank you for walking me home."
"anytime, goodnight y/n." he said before walking away. "oh !! and akaashi ?" you called after him. "hmm ?" the boy asked turning around to face you.

"remember when you asked me if i wanted to be manager ?" you asked hoping he remembered. akaashi nodded and you smiled.

"i think i'll take you up on that offer."

𝗘𝗨𝗣𝗛𝗢𝗥𝗜𝗔    ᵃᵏᵃᵃˢʰⁱ ᵏᵉⁱʲⁱWhere stories live. Discover now