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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐒𝐓 𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝐎𝐅 training camp, you were absolutely exhausted from your manager duties and you were quite excited to go home.
you were currently sitting on a bench hugging your knees. kaori sent you off to take a break since she noticed your headaches were getting worse and insisted you take a break.

"y/n-chan !!" someone called, you looked up to find your cousin sugawara running toward you.
"koushi !!" you said smiling. "are you feeling okay ?" he asked with a worried expression on you face. "suzumeda-san said you were getting headaches, do you have a fever ?" he asked, putting his palm on your forehead.

you laughed and shook your head, "koushi you act too much like a mom sometimes." you told him, gently taking his hand off of your forehead. "i think i'll be fine, im probably getting headaches from the heat. its been so hot !" you told him. "y/n-chan take this !" he said jabbing a water bottle in your direction.

"you might be dehydrated ! you might even get a fever !" he exclaimed. "koushi !!" you said, raising your voice. "i'll be fine. NOW GO GET BACK TO PRACTICE." you told him, giving him a big bOnk on the head. after your silver haired cousin ran off you sighed returning to your previous position.

akaashi watched from afar, 'why does she call sugawara-san koushi ?' he wondered to himself. 'wait no— you're not jealous akaashi. you're not like that.' the setter shook his head and decided to approach you, he took a few steps forward but before he could do anything else kuroo ran up to you and started poking your cheek.

he sighed to himself and decided to join bokuto, who was whining at him saying something along the lines of, "AGASHEE PLEASE SET FOR ME PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE" and with that, he walked into the gym, taking one last glance in your direction.

you closed your eyes and set your head on your knees. you almost fell asleep when you felt someone poke your cheek.

your raised your head up only to find kuroo standing in front of you. you bit back a groan. not wanting to seem rude you forced a smile on your face. "kuroo, whats up ?"

he felt his heart drop a little when you called him kuroo instead of tetsurou. 'maybe confessing wasn't a good idea...no tetsurou. stay positive its fine.'

"y/n-chan !! i brought you some onigiri." he said handing you a plate of the triangular shaped rice. "i hope you enjoy them." he said giving you a smile.

"oh, thanks kuroo thats really nice of you." you said grinning at him.

meanwhile, another ball slammed into bokuto's face, "AGAASHEEEE YOU NEVER MESS UP YOUR SETS !!" he whined. "as your captain i command you to set properly." he huffed crossing his arms dramatically.

"sorry bokuto-san." akaashi sighed, you had been on his mind the whole morning. he didn't like it how other guys kept coming up to you and he couldn't pinpoint why he was so frustrated.

"boys !! kaori called from the entrance of the gym, "its time to go, i suggest you start packing up your stuff." bokuto frowned "but kaori-chan—" she glared at him, bokuto shivered "never-mind." he mumbled while walking away.

akaashi followed his friend taking a glance at you standing next to kaori, you grinned at him but he didn't grin back, instead he just turned away with a small pout on his face. you frowned, 'maybe he's just tired.' you thought. 'i'll ask him about it on the bus.'

you gave kuroo and kenma hugs goodbye, promising to keep in touch with the both of them. "koushi !!" you called to your grey haired cousin. "y/n-chan !" he said, opening his arms for you. you gave him a hug and promised to pay him and his family a visit soon.

you entered the bus only to find akaashi sitting next bokuto, you pouted slightly and took a seat next to yukie instead. "y/n-chan ? why aren't you sitting next to akaashi ?" you pouted, "he's sitting next to bokuto."

the ride home was really quiet and you dozed off, thinking about what you could've done to make the raven haired setter mad.

"y/n ! Y/N."you opened your eyes to find yukie staring down at you. "come on !! we're the only ones left on the bus, akaashi said he'd walk you home." she said in a teasing manner. "really ?" you asked. "i thought he was mad at me !"

"pff like he could stay mad at you." she muttered, watching you run out of the bus to find akaashi. "keiji !!" you called waving your arms at him. he just nodded and started walking, gesturing for you to follow.

the walk home was silent, it wasn't a comfortable silence either, akaashi usually started a conversation but today was different. "thanks for walking me home keiji." you said with a big smile. he nodded again before walking off.

you pouted again as you wondered what you could have done to make him mad.

'i'll have to ask him about it tomorrow.'

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