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"𝐖𝐄𝐋𝐋, 𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐒 𝐈𝐒 𝐌𝐘 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄." you said unlocking your door leading akaashi in. "you live alone ?" akaashi asked. "you sound creepy akaashi-san." you said with a teasing smile on your face. the boy blushed, "i-i mean, i j-just thought—"

you giggled. "i was just kidding. and to answer your question, no i dont live alone. my dad is away for a business trip." you told the flustered boy. you lead him to the living room and set your things down before asking him, "hey, are you hungry ? i made onigiris last night, they arent the best but i tried !" you said.

akaashi gave you a small smile and nodded his head. "if you made them im sure they're good."
you became a blushing mess and hurried to the kitchen to get the onigiris you made. you set the plate down on the table and sat down. 'itadakimasu' you both muttered before eating. "this is really good onigiri l/n-san" akaashi said with his mouth full.

you bit your bottom lip to stifle a laugh but in the end failed to do so. you burst out laughing while akaashi looked at you with a confused expression on his face. "a-akaashi-san" you said trying to hold back giggles. "its rude to talk with your mouth full." you said before bursting out laughing again.

you had always seen akaashi as a very organized and respectful person that seeing him talk with his mouth full shocked you. the boy blushed and muttered an apology. you gave his head a gentle pat and smiled at him saying it was just a joke and not to worry about it.

after eating you stood up to clear the table and the both of you started studying. in the middle of doing research you took a glance at akaashi who was taking notes beside you. his eyebrows were scrunched together and his lips were formed into a thin line.

a small smile crept up to your face, soon after you realized you were staring for too long and shook your head to clear your head as you returned to work.

by 8:00pm you and akaashi finished half of the project just like you planned, you led akaashi outside and as you were about to close the door— "thank you for today l/n-san" he told you with a small smile. "i enjoyed your company."

before you could even say anything he already dashed off into the night, "damn you akaashi." you muttered to yourself, smiling. he always knew how to leave you flustered.

you walked to school the next day with a certain raven haired setter on your mind.
when you arrived you heard a familiar voice screech, "l/n-chAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN !!!"
you jumped, startled by the loud voice. you turned around to see bokuto running towards you with akaashi walking calmly behind him.

"a-ah. hi bokuto-san. you scared me." you said laughing nervously. "sorry l/n-chan ! i was excited to see you." he said smiling widely. "aGaSheEeE LOOK L/N-CHAN IS HERE."

"please quiet down bokuto-san." akaashi said before greeting you with a small nod a wave which you happily returned. "oh by the way, i brought you guys lunch !" you said taking two bento boxes out of your bag. "its not much but i thought you'd enjoy them." you said smiling at the two boys.

you watched as bokuto opened the box with stars in his eyes. "wOOOOOAAHHHH L/N-CHAN I DIDN'T KNOW YOU COULD COOK."
he exclaimed loudly. "thank you l/n-san." akaashi said with a small smile on his face. you smiled back and told them it was nothing before heading to class.

on your way to class akaashi suddenly asked you, "l/n-san, would you be interested in becoming manager for the volleyball club ?"
you eyes slightly widened at the question, "i-im not sure, but doesn't the volleyball club already have two managers ?"

akaashi nodded his head, "yes" he said. "but suzumeda-san and shirofuku-san have a lot on their hands and since you said you played volleyball i thought you might be interested."

"oh..i really appreciate the offer akaashi-san. but there's a reason i quit volleyball in junior high...." you trailed off. you both stopped in front of the classroom door before stepping in.

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