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"𝐋/𝐍 , 𝐀𝐊𝐀𝐀𝐒𝐇𝐈 !! " your teacher called out to you. "you both missed first period, l/n thats the third time this week. and akaashi you're usually a good student so ill let it slide this time but you must help  l/n clean the classroom after school. that is all. please take your seats."

you sighed as you took your seat. you stayed up talking with the raven haired setter until 2am in the morning and you had accidentally overslept. you hated cleaning with a passion but there was nothing you could do about it now.

the day went by quickly and before you knew it you were standing in the classroom once more, this time holding a mop in your hand. akaashi entered the classroom soon after and greeted you with a small wave and nod. "sorry i got us both into this." you said, sulking.

"its alright. its not your fault y/n." he said patting your back lightly. "i enjoyed talking with you last night, anyways." he mumbled quietly. your face turned red and you gave him a small smile, "i enjoyed talking with you too."

it was akaashi's turn to turn red. "we should start cleaning." he said, turning away, trying hide his blush. you nodded as you turned away to grabbed the mop you were holding earlier.

things were still awkward since the both of you basically confessed your feelings for each other last night, but the two of you were too oblivious to realize it.

a couple hours later, you finally finished cleaning the entire classroom. you looked around and smiled, the classroom was spotless. "i think we're done here ." we should get going, im hungry." you said, mumbling the last part. "lets get dinner." akaashi said putting away the broom.

"b-but i dont have mone—" you started, "dont worry about that, its my treat." he said, picking up his bag along with yours. he walked out the door and gestured for you to follow him. you hurried out the door with a smile.

"keiji i can carry my own bag." you said pushing your arm out so he could give you your bag back. "im not weak." akaashi chuckled and gave your head a pat as you pouted, trying to get your bag back.

you eventually gave up on trying to get your bag back and let akaashi carry it the rest of the way. not long after, he stopped in front of a small ramen shop. he walked inside and you followed him, taking a look around the tiny space.

you turned around to find akaashi talking to the server who seemed to be familiar with him, the server greeted you and you greeted him back as he led you and akaashi to a small table.

"i hope you dont mind that i brought you to a ramen place," akaashi said as you sat down. "their ramen is really delicious and i thought you might want to try it."

"i dont mind." you said with a smile as you grabbed a menu. you, being shy to order what you wanted, just ordered the same thing as akaashi.

you both ate in silence, exchanging only a few words as you enjoyed the warm ramen.

akaashi offered to walk you home, you protested against it but the boy insisted, telling you how dangerous it was for a girl to walk home alone at night. you finally gave in, thanking him for the offer.

akaashi payed for dinner, "thanks keiji." you said giving him a smile as he led you out the door. "anytime."

you both walked in the chilly air, you shivered slightly, "its extra cold tonight." you said, rubbing your arms, trying to keep yourself warm.

the setter took of his jacket, draping it over your shoulders. his actions surprised you, causing you to turn your head to look at him.
"wont you be cold ?" you asked holding onto his jacket to prevent it from slipping off.

"maybe a little but i dont mind." he said, also turning around to make eye contact with you. "you can keep the jacket by the way." he mumbled, a blush covering his cheeks.

you turned red at his words before nodding your head, turning your attention back to your shoes. not long after you spotted small white flakes falling down from the sky.

you looked up in shock, "keiji look ! its snowing." you said with a big grin. you stuck your tongue out, trying to catch snowflakes. akaashi chuckled softly at your actions, but decided to join you anyways.

your laughter filled the air as you and the setter continued catching snowflakes on your tongues the whole walk home.

when you finally arrived you turned to face akaashi again, he took in your appearance, his jacket was way too big for you. the sleeves were scrunched up at your wrists and it was so long that it reached all the way down to your thighs.

"thanks for walking me home and for dinner." you thanked him once again. "i really enjoyed myself." you said, with a big smile before giving him a hug. "i'll see you tomorrow!!" you said rushing into the house, not giving him a chance to compliment you.

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