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"𝐃𝐎 𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓 𝐓𝐎 home together ?" akaashi asked as emotionless as ever. you lips formed into a small pout. "i would love to but i cant." you said quietly. "koushi is picking me up and im sleeping at his house today." you said fiddling with your fingers.

'sugawara-san's house ?' akaashi's expression darkened. "oh. okay then, have fun." he said before giving you a small wave and walking away. the sky darkened and the boy frowned slightly, he hadn't taken an umbrella with him today meaning he had to hurry or he'd be soaked.

unfortunately for the raven haired boy, the rain started pouring before he could get home, leaving his clothes drenched.

akaashi sighed slightly as he put the laundry in the washer, it had taken him a while to gather up his courage and finally ask you to walk home with him but it was all for nothing.

'are they dating ?' he thought, making his way up to his room. he sat on the chair in front of his desk and buried his face in his hands. 'you shouldn't be jealous keiji, its not like you're dating her or anything....right ?" he sighed again before pulling out his phone.

his lips curved up in a small smile when he saw your name pop up on his screen.


hi keiji ∩^ω^∩ sorry
i wasnt able to walk
home with you today
:<< maybe another
time ? :DD

its alright y/n.

it you dont mind me
asking, are you and
sugawara-san dating ?

huh ? of course not !

he's my cousin i
thought i already
told you :oo

akaashi's eyes widened in shock but soon after he sighed in relief, you werent dating sugawara after all. his face turned slightly red as he realized the question he just asked you.


oh im sorry for assuming

its getting late, you should
get some rest.

goodnight :)

the boy smiled at the messages on his phone before shutting it off and making his way to his closet to get ready for bed.

you on the other hand, scratched the back of your neck in confusion. 'i thought i already told him.' you thought, scrunching your eyebrows together.

"y/n-chan !!" you heard your cousin call from the door, "koushi !!" you said smiling at the silver haired boy before giving him a hug.

you didn't realize you left your phone open and you cousin had gotten a peek at it, "akaashi huh ?" he said, a small smile dancing on his face.

"DO YOU LIKE HIM ?" he asked loudly, smiling even wider. "w-what no," you said, your face turning completely red. "me and akaashi are just friends..." you mumbled.

"really ??" he asked wiggling his eyebrows. "your face says otherwise, now answer honestly, DO YOU LIKE HIM ?"

"yes !! i mean no !! okay maybe.." you trailed off, fiddling with your fingers in your lap. your cousin threw his hands up, "tell him already !!"
he said excitedly, "no !! i would never do that." you said, waving your hands around like a dork. "why not ?" your cousin asked.

"what if he rejects me ? if he does everything will be weird between us and i dont want that !" you whined at the silver haired boy.

"he wont reject you !! have you seen the way he looks at yoUuUuuUu ?" he said dramatically, you stuck your tongue. "you're so cheesy koushi." you said, scrunching your eyebrows together in disgust.

"but seriously y/n !! just tell him already." your cousin said, throwing his hands up in the air dramatically. "no !! now get out so i can sleep." you said shoving him out of the room.

you shut the door and sighed, you loved your cousin a lot but he could be a little too much sometimes. you took your notebook out of your bag and proceeded to sit down at the desk and start doing homework.

you let out another sigh as you answered the last math question, you closed your notebook before flopping onto your bed. you took your phone out and you smiled when you saw akaashi's name pop up on your screen.

keiji :

keiji ♡︎ :
are you still awake ?

yes i am (●'◡'●)ノ did
you need anything ? :DD

keiji ♡︎ :
you should go to sleep.

its 1:00am you shouldn't
be sleeping this late.

how come you get to stay
awake but not me ? :((

keiji ♡︎ :
just go to sleep.

okay mumkaashi ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
goodnight keiji !! :DD

keiji :
goodnight f/n.

'sweet dreams.'

𝗘𝗨𝗣𝗛𝗢𝗥𝗜𝗔    ᵃᵏᵃᵃˢʰⁱ ᵏᵉⁱʲⁱWhere stories live. Discover now