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𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐋𝐄𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐋𝐘, you were spending the saturday on your couch, binge watching disney movies. the week had been filled with schoolwork and you were tired both mentally and physically. being manager of the team was hard too, having to go to games often and helping arrange practice matches to make sure they got enough training before nationals.

you suddenly heard the doorbell ring, you groaned at the thought of having to get up and answer the door, but you did it anyways. you opened the door to find akaashi standing there, carrying a small plastic bag in his hand. your eyes widened. "keiji ? what are you doing here ?"

"sorry for coming uninvited y/n. i can leave, i just wanted to bring you this." he said handing you the plastic bag.

"how did you know i like these ?" you asked peeking into the bag to find your favorite snacks. "i asked shirofuku-san." he said smiling softly at you.

you smiled back, "thank you !! uh, do you want to come in ?" you asked, remembering your manners. "only if you're comfortable with it." he said nonchalantly. "of course i am !" you said with a huff, opening the door wider, gesturing for him to step inside.

you plopped back down on the couch, akaashi followed, taking a seat next to you. "where's your dad ?" he asked, noticing that the house was empty.

"he's on another business trip." you said, "he left yesterday." akaashi nodded, feeling bad that you had to stay home with no one else around. "do you ever get lonely ?" he asked.
you hummed in response, "sometimes but im used to it." you said turning to look at him.

he then noticed what you were wearing— " that my jacket ?" (damn he's asking a LOT of questions) he asked with a red face. your face turned red as well as you looked down at your clothes. "u-um yes ? its comfy and it smells like you." you said, whispering the last part. "i can take it off if its weird.."

"no dont, you look cute in it." he said smiling  at you. your face turned even redder than before as you turned away and buried your face in a pillow. akaashi chuckled at your actions, giving your head a gentle pat.

the two of you spent the rest of the afternoon watching disney movies in your living room, you eventually fell asleep with your head on the raven haired setters lap.

he chuckled at your soft snores and carried you to your bed, covering your body with the blanket before leaving a note to let you know that he already left.

you groaned as you felt the afternoon light seeping through the blinds hit your face. you slowly got out of bed and rubbed your eyes, "i don't remember falling asleep here." you mumbled to yourself as you walked out the door to go get something to eat.

you smiled when you spotted the note akaashi had left for you sitting on the kitchen table, your smile grew wider when you found out he had drawn and tiny heart at the end.

you skipped over to the couch with the snacks akaashi had given you.

keiji ♡︎ :

keiji ♡︎ :
hi y/n :)) just in case you didnt read
my letter, i just wanted to let you know
that i already left.

you ended up drooling on your pillowcase
so i washed them and hung them outside, please dont forget about them, i heard that
it'll be rainy later today so i advise you take  them in before it starts pouring :))

keiji 🥺 you really didnt have to do all
that !! i can take care of myself but thank
you  ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ  i really appreciate it :DD

and sorry you had to see me drool on my
pillow wjsndkmskss that's embarrassing

keiji ♡︎ :
dont be embarrassed :) it was cute

you squealed and buried your face in your pillow once more 'he cant just say that so casually.' you thought, a small smile dancing on your face as you picked up your phone to reply to him.

keiji ♡︎ :

thank you keiji 🥺 but i dont see how
you can find someone drooling in their
sleep 'cute'

keiji ♡︎ :
well, thats something i cant explain.

goodnight y/n :)) sweet dreams


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