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𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐋𝐄𝐓 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐀 𝐒𝐈𝐆𝐇 as you packed the last of your stuff into your bag. you had been packing for two hours, and since it was your first time at training camp you had no idea what to bring and ended up having to text yukie and kaori for advice.

                 *ding* your phone beeped.

hello y/n, this is keiji.
i got your number from
suzumeda-san. i'll
pick you up tomorrow
at 8:00 :) goodnight,
sleep well.


you smiled at the message on your phone before texting back.


thank you keiji !
i'll see you tomorrow
then (●'◡'●)ノ


you turned your phone off and flopped onto your bed, a smile dancing on your face.


the next day:

"y/n, y/n wake up." you heard someone say. "daddddd" you groaned. "five more minutes."
the voice chuckled. "its me keiji. your dad let me in." you jolted up. "what the hel— why didn't you knock ?" you whined.

"i tried" he said, a small smile on his face. "but you didn't answer the door and your dad told me to just come in." you frowned sleepily and flopped onto  the sheets again. your frown didn't go unnoticed by akaashi, "if you want i can leave—"

"nooooo" you whined half-asleep, grabbing onto his arm. his eyes widened, he realized you had fallen asleep again and was drooling on his jacket. he chuckled and poked your cheek a couple times to wake you up.

"fineee" you whined. "get out so i can change." you said pointing at the door, you put on a random hoodie and sweatpants before walking out of your room to find your dad and akaashi looking at your baby pictures.

"this was when—" your dad started to say.

"daaaaaaaaaaaad" you groaned "why do you like to embarrass me so much ?" you plopped down next to akaashi and piled some of the scrambled egg your dad had cooked onto your plate.

when you finished you cleared the table and said goodbye to your dad before heading to the school with akaashi. "keiji, what did my dad tell you ?" you asked curiously. the boy blushed slightly before shaking his head. "nothing much."

you squinted at him. "your face says otherwise." you said crossing your arms.
"oh look its bokuto-san." he said changing the subject. you fell for it, but surely enough you saw a black and white haired owl sprinting towards you.

"L/N-CHAAAAAAAAAN !!" bokuto screeched tackling you into a hug. you patted bokuto's back somewhat affectionately before he was pulled away by konoha who was mumbling something about leaving you alone.

you saw yukie and kaori and made you way over to them with a smile on your face.
"y/n-chan !!" yukie squealed. "im so happy you're coming along !"

"me too !" you said smiling. "i've been to a training camp before but never as a manager so this should be interesting."

"its not hard at all." kaori said reassuringly.
you were all talking for about 15 minutes more before they announced it was time to go.
when you got on the bus you noticed all the seats were taken except the one beside akaashi.
you smiled and took the seat next to him. "i guess you're my bus buddy today." you said.

the boy gave you a small smile and nodded his head. you took this a sign not to bother him and went back to doing your own thing.
a few minutes later you felt a weight on your shoulder, you found leaning his head on your shoulder sleeping.

'he must be tired, he probably had to wake up extra early to come pick me up.' you thought suddenly feeling bad. you took his head and laid it on your lap, you gently played with his hair before drifting off yourself, with your hands tangled in his raven locks.

you awoke to the sound of snickers coming from around you, you saw the flash of a phone camera and opened your eyes to see konoha taking pictures and bokuto snickering behind him.

you tried to get up but noticed the unusual weight on your stomach. somehow akaashi's arms had managed to make their way around your waist and was now resting his head on your stomach. you smiled at the sight and shooed bokuto and konoha off of the bus before waking him up.

"keiji. keiji. KEIJI." you silently screamed at him. the boy groaned and opened his eyes. when he realized what position he was in he quickly let go off you, apologizing.

you told him it was fine and told him to go meet the other boys while you gathered your things, you shoved your phone and headphones into your bag before stepping out of the bus.

'this week should be interesting.'

𝗘𝗨𝗣𝗛𝗢𝗥𝗜𝗔    ᵃᵏᵃᵃˢʰⁱ ᵏᵉⁱʲⁱWhere stories live. Discover now