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Dear Diary,

He hit me again today.

Hoseok stared up at the ceiling as he could hear the shower running. It was almost noon, and he and Yoongi had worked all night. They needed to sleep for tonight's shift, but things had gotten hectic this morning. After work, there had been an argument about Yoongi's wet bag. His phone was thankfully not ruined, but his bag and car keys had been very sticky. The argument ended up turning into make-up sex, after which Yoongi went to the shower as Hoseok laid in bed. Sure, a slap had been dealt, but that could be overlooked, right?

This was not unordinary for them. It was getting much worse lately as well. Hoseok's friends would be awful to Yoongi at work in Hoseok's defense. He and Yoongi would fight about it when they got home. They'd have make-up sex and start all over. If anything at all got better from this, Hoseok's friends became even more protective, and he and Yoongi had sex more often. Sex was probably the only upside to their relationship for Hoseok.

It was about half an hour after the shower stopped that Yoongi returned to the bedroom, dressed in his pajamas."You don't want to nakey cuddle?" Hoseok asked, doing his best to be cute for his boyfriend.

"I just want to sleep." Yoongi turned off the light and got into bed. As soon as he laid down, Hoseok's arms snaked around him, his boyfriend being persistent in his desire to cuddle. However, Yoongi just rolled to face away from him, no desire present to cuddle with the other.

As it grew quiet between them, Hoseok snuggled against Yoongi's back."I love you." he whispered softly. He didn't hear the words back, but that was okay. He knew how Yoongi felt.


"No way. You really did that?" Taehyung asked as he stifled a laugh.

Jimin nodded with a wide grin on his lips."Of course I made it look like an accident because there are cameras in that area, but I made sure to make a big mess."

Hoseok knew this was going to cause another big fight for him and Yoongi, but his friends really were doing this to help him."I can't believe you busted a whole litre of mouthwash on Yoongi-hyung. He's going to smell minty fresh all night." He tried so hard not to chuckle. Really, he did.

"It's okay for you to laugh, Hoseokie-hyung." Jungkook said as he nudged Hoseok's arm with his elbow."He makes you miserable, so have a laugh at his expense. Besides, you didn't do it. Jimin-hyung did."

"And it was an accident." Jimin was so petty, but that was something they liked about him. It never ceased to make them laugh.

All talking stopped when Yoongi entered the break room, the strong scent of mint accompanying him. He stepped over to his washed bag and grabbed it, getting out his car keys. When he turned to leave the room with his bag and keys in his hands, Hoseok stood and went after him."Hyung? Are you going somewhere? The shift isn't over yet."

"I'm going home." was all Yoongi said before walking away from his boyfriend.

"But how will I get home?" Hoseok didn't receive an answer."Guess I'll walk then." Returning to the break room, he sat back down with his friends."Yoongi-hyung's going home."

Seokjin reached over and gave Hoseok's head a gentle pat."Is he going to come back for you in the morning?"

"Do you think he would come back? That jerk probably plans on making Hoseok-hyung walk home." Taehyung wanted to smack Yoongi for leaving in the middle of the shift and not providing another way for Hoseok to get home later.

There was a solution though."I'll give you a ride." Seokjin offered.

To that, Hoseok shook his head, declining."He'll get mad if he finds out. He doesn't like it when I ride with other guys. He doesn't even like it that I talk to you guys here. Yoongi-hyung wants to keep me all to himself, you know. It's because he loves me and doesn't want to share."

Jungkook huffed and crossed his arms."If he loved you, he wouldn't be mad about you having friends. He should be happy that a friend is willing to drive you home instead of letting you walk the whole way alone."

"I'll be fine, guys. I promise. I'll walk straight home after work, and everything will be fine." Hoseok smiled brightly to put his friends at ease, knowing they cared immensely about him.


"Why are you yelling at me?"

"I'm not yelling."

"Yes, you are. You've been yelling at me since I got home."

"I said I'm not yelling!"

Hoseok recoiled at Yoongi's raised voice."I don't know why you're so mad at me." Tears stung his eyes as he looked at his unhappy boyfriend, who was red-faced with emotion.

"Stop crying!" Yoongi yelled in frustration.

"Then stop yelling at me!" Hoseok sniffled as Yoongi turned away from him."They're right about you, you know. You're so mean. Why can't you be nice to me?"

Yoongi paused, not seeming to know how to respond."I've been nothing but nice." he spoke through gritted teeth, fists clenched tightly at his sides.

Using a hand to wipe tears away from his eyes, Hoseok took a single step closer to Yoongi."I love you, Yoongi-hyung. Why can't you show love back to me? You always act so cold."

Yoongi spun around at those words."Hoseok, you're the one who--!" He stopped abruptly and slumped his shoulders."Nevermind. I'm going to bed." It was best to just end the fight here before things got messy again. He didn't want a repeat of yesterday.

"Do you want me to come to bed too?" Hoseok asked with a shaky tone.

"No." That said, Yoongi stomped away to the bedroom. He didn't even bother changing into his pajamas. He just laid down in his baggy pants and long-sleeve shirt, curling up into a ball. As he laid there, his gaze became glued to a specific drawer of the dresser, knowing what was hidden in there. That changed nothing. That stupid notebook didn't mean anything opposed to the awful treatment at work. It meant nothing compared to the almost-daily fights. It was just stupid. It only contained words that wouldn't change anything.

When Hoseok came to bed a couple hours later, he laid down beside Yoongi and tried to cuddle to him, only to face rejection again, his boyfriend rolling away. This was fine though. A smile spread across Hoseok's lips, glad that he could lay next to Yoongi and enjoy the way things were in this moment. Maybe deep down, he suspected that Yoongi didn't love him. He wouldn't admit that though. He wanted to keep the belief that his boyfriend loved him very much.


When they got up for work that night, Hoseok glanced around their bedroom and sighed, a sleepy smile on his lips. Their respective sides of the bedroom were total opposites, just like their personalities. Hoseok's side of the room was neat and tidy. Yoongi's side was messy, dirty clothes strewn all over the floor and items dropped wherever. It looked like Yoongi hadn't cleaned his side of the room for the whole past month. Of course, that wasn't a surprise. Hoseok was used to his boyfriend not cleaning the bedroom.

Yoongi yawned as he got clean clothes out of the closet and stripped off his other clothes, dropping them on the floor with the rest. Pulling on clean pants, he frowned. He seemed to be upset about something, but he didn't give it any words.

"Hyung?" Something caught Hoseok's attention though."What happened to your arm? Did you get hurt?"

There was a beige bandage wrapped around Yoongi's arm, just a tiny bit above his wrist."I hurt it at work." he answered simply."It's nothing."

"Are you sure?" Hoseok stepped over to Yoongi and tried to touch his arm, but Yoongi was quick to pull away."Hyung--"

"I said it's nothing." With his gaze lowered, Yoongi grabbed his clean shirt, pulling it on.

Seeing that he wasn't going to get a truthful answer, Hoseok gave up on that topic. Instead, he glanced at the dirty clothes on the floor then at the dresser."You really need to pick up your dirty clothes before one of us trips again."

"I know."

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