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It was a relief for Seokjin when Yoongi stopped sobbing and just leaned on him. The smaller guy was clearly exhausted and in pain."It'll be okay, Yoongi. We'll get you to the hospital soon. I promise." Seokjin felt like crying as he sat here with Yoongi, but he did his best to hold it back. He needed to be strong right now. He hoped Namjoon would hurry. They needed to get Yoongi to the hospital as soon as possible, especially before Hoseok would come back.

Something that upset Seokjin even further was when he looked down at Yoongi's arms in search of any injuries that he could tend. He saw that Yoongi's cast was definitely damaged, but that wasn't all. What he also saw were the scars on the smaller guy's left forearm. He lightly ghosted his fingers over them, wondering what sort of thoughts went through Yoongi's head when they were made. Not being suicidal or depressed himself, he didn't understand, but it did make him very sad to see that Yoongi went through such a terrible mental state.

Yoongi silently watched Seokjin touch his scars, not really having anything to say about them. He wondered if Seokjin was disgusted or disappointed. However, when he lifted his gaze to the tall man's face, all he saw was sadness."Hyung..." he spoke weakly, his throat sore."I'm tired..."

Those simple words brought a sob to Seokjin's throat that he struggled to hold back. He could tell that Yoongi was too exhausted and hurt to stay awake much longer. Shifting a bit to lean his back against the wall beside Yoongi, Seokjin gave him a reassuring smile, which was difficult to do."Lay on me. I'll keep you safe." Assisting Yoongi as he moved with pain, Seokjin guided him to use his lap as a pillow."As soon as Namjoon's ready, we'll call the police and get an ambulance for you too. You're going to be okay."

"Thanks..." Yoongi just couldn't bare to stay awake any longer. He was in pain, both physically and mentally. He felt drained. As much as he trusted Namjoon to do whatever it took to protect him, he didn't have any hope left to believe the camera would be found in time. So he wanted to take this chance to rest on a friend before Hoseok would get back and make him regret having help.

Seokjin started stroking Yoongi's hair to help him relax a little, but his own fingers were shaky as he did so. He didn't entirely know what Namjoon was doing. He only knew that it had to be very important if it was taking priority over calling the police. It was about twenty minutes later that he was alerted by the sound of sirens coming closer. The sound caused Yoongi to stir."Shh, shh, it's okay." Seokjin kept stroking Yoongi's hair in an attempt to keep from panicking.

The sound of the front door opening and a couple sets of feet entering the house sent Yoongi into full anxiety. His whole body tensed up, which hurt a lot, and his breathing became unsteady. He was scared. He didn't know what was about to happen because he knew Seokjin hadn't called the police, and Namjoon most likely hadn't called them either since he was still doing something in the bedroom.

The police came through the house and found them in the hallway, batons in their hands as they'd come here with the expectation of a home intruder. One of the officers spoke into his radio about finding two young men on the floor in the hallway. Another officer approached them cautiously."Do either one of you live here?" he inquired, needing more information about the situation.

Yoongi struggled to sit back up with Seokjin's help."I live here." he answered the officer.

It was very obvious that Yoongi was injured, so the officer knelt down in front of him."We were called by someone who said they witnessed a break-in. Please explain the situation. Are you hurt?"

With a nod, Yoongi knew he had to explain as much as possible."Yes, I-I'm hurt. A lot." For support, he grabbed Seokjin's hand."There was no break-in." He was scared but not of the police. He knew they were there to help. It just terrified him to think of what would happen after this. If the police didn't believe him or took Hoseok's side, he would be punished severely after this."Seokjin-hyung and Namjoon...They're my friends."

Toxic Duality (Sope/NamGi) 🔞Where stories live. Discover now