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Immense fear filled Yoongi as he was in the back seat of his car in the morning. Since his car had been left in the store parking lot this whole time, Jungkook was driving it back at Hoseok's request. Hoseok was sitting in the passenger seat, which was okay for Yoongi. He didn't want to be next to Hoseok anyway. Yoongi avoided looking toward the rearview mirror because he knew Jungkook kept shooting glares at him through it. He knew why Jungkook was angrier than usual at him; Namjoon had told him about Taehyung snitching to the others.

When they got home, they all got out of the car, and Hoseok motioned toward the front door."Go on inside, Hyung. I'll thank Jungkook for bringing the car." He watched Yoongi head inside at his command, holding back a glare. He was happy to have Yoongi back, yes, but he was also very angry. How dare Yoongi stay away from him for two whole days? How dare Yoongi record him? He would make him pay for that.

Once Yoongi was in the house, Jungkook pulled Hoseok into his arms for a hug."Will you be okay?" He was highly concerned about Hoseok getting hurt.

"I'll be fine. I'll call if I need you." Hoseok loved how much Jungkook worried about him. It showed that his manipulation was working very well. To get a little sweetness from his victim-to-be, he pressed a quick peck to Jungkook's lips."I'll text you later. Maybe Yoongi-hyung will let me go out for a bit tonight."

Jungkook didn't like Hoseok's nights off from work because he might have to spend those nights alone with Yoongi. If it was possible, he would prefer for Hoseok to go out with him and their friends."I hope so. I'll wait for your text, Hoseokie-hyung."

With a wave, Hoseok watched Jungkook walk away. He knew Jungkook now had to walk back to the store to drive his own car home. It was such an inconvenience, but Jungkook had been completely willing to do it just because Hoseok asked. He was caught in Hoseok's web and wouldn't be released without harsh evidence, which Hoseok was determined to keep hidden. Hoseok went inside once Jungkook was out of sight and locked the door behind himself."Hyung!" he called for Yoongi.

Yoongi didn't want to answer Hoseok's call, but he knew he would be in big trouble if he didn't. Hell, he was already in big trouble. Best to not make it worse. So he left the kitchen, where he had gone for a drink of water, and returned to the front entrance."Yes, Seokie?"

Immediately, Hoseok slapped Yoongi's face."You stupid whore. You think you can record me and try to use it to turn my friends against me? Just like you, that plan was a failure." He slapped Yoongi again, pleased that his small boyfriend knew better than to pull away."You kicked me." Another slap."You ran away." Slapped again."You stayed away for two fucking days." Hoseok gripped Yoongi's hair and harshly glared at him."Do you have any idea how bad you've been?

"I-I'm sorry, Seokie." Yoongi's eyes widened in fear when Hoseok released his hair then grabbed fistfuls of the front of his shirt.

"Your apology isn't good enough." As hard as he could, Hoseok threw Yoongi to the floor, not caring the least bit when he cried out in pain from landing on his broken arm."Give me your phone." He grew angrier when Yoongi didn't comply, too busy sobbing over the pain in his arm."Give me your phone!" Hoseok repeated, giving Yoongi a kick to the side. Kneeling down, he fished Yoongi's phone from his pocket."Stupid whore."

Yoongi was in too much pain to do as Hoseok commanded. There was nothing he could do to soothe the pain either. It barely even registered in his mind when Hoseok threw his phone across the room. The next thing that effectively got his attention was Hoseok yanking on the strap of his sling, hurting his arm further."Seokie, please!" Yoongi begged through his aching sobs."Please stop! It hurts!"

"You think I care about your pain?" The answer to that was obvious. Hoseok didn't care at all. In fact, he liked to cause pain to Yoongi."You don't get to leave me. Do you understand? You are mine until you die. So if you want to leave me so badly," He leaned in close to Yoongi's face,"kill yourself." He tugged on the sling harder, the strap breaking. He jerked the sling off of Yoongi's arm and tossed it aside."How much pain do I have to put you through before you kill yourself? Why do you even hold on to life? No one wants you. No one cares about you. No one likes you. If you want to apologize for how bad you've been, kill yourself."

Yoongi wished he could still be with Namjoon. He didn't want to be here with Hoseok. The pain was unbearable. A scream erupted from him when Hoseok walked away, purposely stepping on his casted arm in the process. If he hadn't screamed, maybe he would have heard a crack. The pain was so much more intense now. Yoongi needed to go to the hospital. He knew he did. He also knew Hoseok wouldn't allow it. In too much pain to get up, Yoongi remained on the floor, sobbing hysterically.


Hoseok's only reaction to finding Yoongi still on the floor that night was to roll his eyes."Pathetic." He had called Jungkook and was going out with his friends."I'm going to be very disappointed if you aren't dead when I come back." Stepping over Yoongi, Hoseok opened the front door and headed out, ready to have fun with his friends."Kookie!" he called out happily as he saw his new toy.

Jungkook rolled down the window and smiled at Hoseok."Hop in, Hyung! The others are waiting for us!" He watched his precious hyung practically prance around to the passenger side and get into the car."You're in a good mood." he commented."That jerk didn't give you a hard time today, did he?"

"Nope. He mainly just drank." That was a new one of Hoseok's lies."He passed out a bit ago, so he won't be a problem tonight." Reaching over, Hoseok grabbed the back of Jungkook's head and pulled him into a kiss. This kiss was a bit rougher than what he usually did with Jungkook, but it was accepted.

It couldn't continue though. Jungkook pulled away after a couple seconds with pink cheeks."We should go before things get out of hand, Hyung."

"Out of your hands or my hands?" Hoseok teased."Because I'm perfectly fine with everything being in your hands."

"You tease." Jungkook said with a chuckle as he started driving.

Hoseok pulled out his phone and smiled as he discreetly looked through his pictures real quick. He loved the pictures he had of Jungkook. The poor guy was completely oblivious of his picture ever being taken. He'd gotten a picture of Jungkook in the shower, sleeping nude, and half-dressed. He loved Jungkook's body and how willing he was to do anything for him. Hoseok really wanted to move on fully to Jungkook, but he couldn't let Yoongi leave while the older was clearly trying to put out evidence against him. He couldn't let that happen."Jungkookie, as soon as I'm free from Yoongi-hyung, let's move away together."

"What? Move away?" That certainly took Jungkook by surprise."Shouldn't we stay near our friends?"

"Everything here holds bad memories for me." Hoseok lied."I think I should move to a different city, but I don't want to go alone. I want you to be with me. We'll start over, start fresh in a place where no one knows us. I don't want to talk to people who will remind me of this abuse."

As much as Jungkook wouldn't want to leave his friends behind, he wanted to help Hoseok be happy."Okay, Hyung. As soon as we can free you from that jerk, we'll move away together. Just you and me."

"Thank you, Kookie." Planning on driving Yoongi to suicide soon, Hoseok was already making plans to go to a new city with Jungkook, isolate the new victim. Though he knew that Taehyung would actually be a much easier target to victimize, Hoseok was personally invested in Jungkook. Maybe he could hurt Taehyung before leaving. That would be fun. After all, he knew about Taehyung's crush. Truly, Hoseok just wanted to hurt people. He enjoyed it. If the truth ever got out, he knew people would want to know why he did these horrible things; they would try to think about it psychologically, but on the inside, Hoseok was just twisted. He had no reason for his behavior aside from the joy it brought him to hurt people. He knew everyone wanted to believe there was a deep-rooted cause to horrible behavior, but Hoseok knew better than anyone that some people were just bad because they wanted to be."I love you."

"I love you too." Jungkook was determined to be Hoseok's pillar, someone he could lean on in times of need. He wanted to protect his precious hyung and give him everything he wanted."Should we tell the others about our plans to move away?"

Hoseok shook his head."Not yet. We shouldn't ruin our fun plans. We'll tell them some other time." He didn't even want the others to know. He wanted to just move away with Jungkook and leave no traces behind, just as he had done with Yoongi.

Toxic Duality (Sope/NamGi) 🔞Where stories live. Discover now