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Dear Diary,

I guess it's true that warm milk with honey helps a sore throat.

Yoongi was startled awake when Hoseok got home in the morning. He had fallen asleep on the couch after Namjoon had left. Sitting up, he looked toward the front door and saw his boyfriend with a couple shopping bags."Seokie..?" he asked with such a groggy voice. His throat was still a little sore, but it was feeling a lot better after Namjoon had taken care of him for a few hours. Namjoon had made him some noodle soup, keeping it easy for him to ingest while having such a sore throat. After the small meal, the kind man had prepared a glass of warm milk with honey for Yoongi, telling him that it would soothe his throat, which had worked nicely.

"Hyung, I bought us a little bit of food." Hoseok stated with a smile. It was like he was a completely different person. He always did this. He would be cruel to Yoongi then super sweet afterward to mess with his emotions, confuse him. It kept Yoongi on edge, and Hoseok needed that. If Yoongi knew what to expect, Hoseok wouldn't have as much control over him because Yoongi would be prepared."And I got you a present."

"A present..?" Utter confusion filled Yoongi as Hoseok approached him with the shopping bags. He watched Hoseok reach into one of the bags and pull out a stuffed cat.

Hoseok held the stuffed cat out to Yoongi and grinned."Isn't it cute? It's for you." When Yoongi accepted the stuffed cat, Hoseok reached out and ruffled his boyfriend's hair, pleased to see him flinch. He absolutely loved it when Yoongi was in fear.

"Thank you, Seokie." Yoongi hugged the stuffed cat to his chest and tried his best to appear complacent. He couldn't let his disgust show. If he openly showed that he was repulsed by Hoseok, he would surely be hit or scolded.

Taking the other shopping bag with him, Hoseok went to the kitchen to put away the little bit of food he had bought. Though, there was something about the kitchen that grabbed his attention."Hyung, you did the dishes!" It was true. All the dishes were clean and put away neatly."And you took out the trash!"

Yoongi got up from the couch and made his way to the kitchen as well. He had to play along into Hoseok's expectations."Yes, Seokie. You let me stay home, so I cleaned the dishes and took out the trash." It brought a warm feeling to his heart when he thought about the dishes. Namjoon had actually washed them as Yoongi dried them and put them away, and Namjoon had been the one to take out the trash. Yoongi was so thankful and hadn't known how to express it, but Namjoon assured him that it was okay.

Setting down the bag of food, Hoseok pulled Yoongi into his arms, effectively startling his boyfriend."Aw, you were so good during the night, Yoongi-baby." He pecked Yoongi's lips then slid his hands down the smaller guy's back."Maybe I should treat you to some tender loving as a reward for doing such good cleaning." His hands slipped into the back of Yoongi's pajama pants and gripped handfuls of his backside."What do you think, baby? Want me to fuck you gently and fill you up?"

That was definitely the last thing Yoongi would want. After yesterday, he didn't want any sexual interaction from Hoseok at all."Can we just watch TV?" Yoongi asked with a careful tone, hoping this wouldn't piss off Hoseok.

Unfortunately, it did. Hoseok did not like rejection. Pulling his hands out of Yoongi's pants, Hoseok grabbed the side of his boyfriend's head."I was going to reward you for being good. Why do you always have to ruin the mood?" Since this was the first time Yoongi ever rejected his sexual advances, he didn't know how to handle it.

"Seokie, I'm just still sore fro--" Yoongi didn't even get to finish his plea. His head was shoved to the side, making contact with a cabinet. The impact caused dizziness and discombobulation.

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