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Dear Diary,

I've been sexually assaulted. Releasing inside someone who's asked you not to is sexual assault. I googled it.

What's next?

Yoongi was terrified to think of the things Hoseok might do to him in the near future. That had been the first time Hoseok had done that to Yoongi against his consent. He was thinking about it as he worked, wondering if Hoseok was going to get worse. He hoped not. The state of their relationship already made Yoongi want to die. How much worse could it get?

Perhaps that thought came too soon. With a hard whack, Yoongi was hit in the back of the head, causing him to fall forward, catching himself on his hands and knees. Looking up at the culprit, he saw Jungkook.

Jungkook glared down at Yoongi with a long box in his hands."Oh my bad, Hyung." he sneered."I didn't see you there." The long box he held was labeled as brooms that needed to be stocked for customers to buy. Thankfully, it hadn't been anything heavier. Still, he had known it would hurt.

When Yoongi lifted his hand to rub the back of his head, it went unnoticed by Jungkook that the sleeve of his shirt slipped up to show his bandaged arm. It didn't really matter to Yoongi if anyone saw the bandage. He knew no one cared anyway. No one would ask what happened, aside from Hoseok, who probably just wanted a reason to tease him for being clumsy. Openly showing his bandage might be seen as a cry for help by more observant people, but Yoongi knew that cries for help were useless if no one cared about him.

With pain in his head from a forming headache, Yoongi made his way to the manager's office. No, he wasn't going to report the hit. He doubted the manager would believe him. Besides, if he reported one of Hoseok's friends, he knew Hoseok would punish him for it. Yoongi gave a soft knock on the open office door and peered in at the manager, who was doing some work on her computer, scheduling and whatnot."Um, Manager, I'm not feeing well." he lied. Maybe he was a liar. But white lies weren't bad if they didn't hurt anyone, right?

The manager looked away from her computer to see Yoongi. She didn't know why he was the only one who wouldn't call her by her name."Do you think you need to go home?" she asked softly. When Yoongi nodded, she sighed."You can't hold on for the rest of the shift? I have no one else who's trained for your area at the moment."

"I'm sorry, but I don't think I can." Yoongi felt so bad, completely awful. He didn't want to inconvenience his manager. She was so nice, despite falling prey to stunts of Hoseok's friends, believing them whenever they did things to get Yoongi in trouble.

"Alright. Just remember that this counts against you on your attendance." She watched Yoongi walk away from the office then got back to her work. She didn't really know what else to do with Yoongi. He definitely seemed troubled, always getting into trouble and leaving early with the same excuse of not feeling well. It made her wonder if something was going on behind the scenes, but it wasn't her place to pry.

Going to the break room to get his bag, Yoongi was relieved to see that the room was empty. No one was currently taking their break. He just grabbed his bag and made his way out of the store as stealthily as possible. He didn't want Hoseok to see him leave. He would just wait in the car for the rest of the night, not wanting Hoseok to get mad about not having a ride home again.


During his meal break, Namjoon went outside to look for Yoongi. He wanted to talk to him about what he'd heard the other night. He also wanted to see if he could get Yoongi to talk, even a little. However, he didn't find Yoongi in the same spot as last time. He looked around all over the place. It made him wonder if Yoongi had gone home early again.

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