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Dear Diary,

Why is he doing this to me?

As usual, Hoseok slipped the notebook back into its spot in the sock drawer. He couldn't let Yoongi know about this. Where was Yoongi? In the shower, washing up before work. While getting himself ready, Hoseok thought about the events of the day. In the morning, he and Yoongi had gone on a little date for breakfast, but it hadn't really been enjoyable. Hoseok was unhappy that his boyfriend had frowned the entire time.

"What a buzzkill." Hoseok mumbled to himself. He had just wanted to have a nice outing with his boyfriend this morning, but that was apparently too much to ask. He perked up when he heard the shower turn off, knowing Yoongi should be ready to leave soon. Hoseok was looking forward to seeing his friends. That was much better than being alone with his constantly-negative boyfriend. Leaving the bedroom, Hoseok went straight to the bathroom, opening the door without knocking."Hyung, it's almost time to go."

When the bathroom door was opened without warning, Yoongi quickly turned away from Hoseok, in the process of brushing his teeth. He didn't know why Hoseok hadn't knocked, though he supposed it didn't really matter. They were dating and had seen each other naked more times than he could count, so what was the issue? Well, he moved his bandaged arm in front of his torso, not wanting any more questions about it.

"Are you going to be ready on time?" Hoseok wondered."You took longer in the shower than usual." When he didn't get an answer, he sighed."Hyung, are you mad at me still?" His boyfriend hadn't spoken a single word to him since their last fight."I said I was sorry. I don't know what more you want me to do." Still not getting anything from Yoongi, Hoseok left the bathroom."He stays hung up over the smallest things." he grumbled to himself. Now he definitely couldn't wait to get to work and see his friends.


"I don't know why you won't join us." Seokjin said as he walked beside Namjoon, hands stuffed into his jacket pockets."He's a jerk. He deserves everything we do to him."

Namjoon wasn't so keen on this though."It's harassment, Seokjin-hyung. You could all lose your jobs for it."

"Only if we get reported." Seokjin didn't see that as a possibility, so he wasn't worried."But who would report us? Yoongi can't report us because he'd have to show proof and admit his own guilt to explain why we're doing it. The only other person is you, Namjoon. But you won't protect an abuser, will you? That would be messed up."

"But what you guys are doing could just end up making everything worse." Namjoon warned."Hasn't Hoseok said that he and Yoongi-hyung fight more often now? Don't you think that's a result of you guys harassing him all the time? Maybe if everyone just left him alone--"

"You want us to stop fucking with an abuser?" Seokjin was in complete disbelief."He's an abuser, Namjoon. An abuser! Hoseok is such a sweet ball of sunshine, and that asshole hits him and yells at him for having friends. It's not right! Hoseok doesn't want us to report it to authorities because he's scared of how that dirtbag will react to that. So this is all we can do until Hoseok can save up enough money and secure himself a place to live to be able to move out of Yoongi's house. He's trying to get away from that hellhole, and you're not supporting him."

Sighing and slumping his shoulders, Namjoon felt like Seokjin just twisted a metaphorical knife in his gut."I do support him, Hyung. You know I will always support anyone who's trying to get out of an abusive situation. I just don't think this is the way to do it. He needs to find a safe place to live and contact the proper authorities." Namjoon was going to say more, but he paused when Seokjin stopped walking."Hyung?"

"Look." Seokjin pointed ahead. As they were nearing the store, Seokjin spotted a familiar car. It was Yoongi's car. Hoseok and Yoongi were inside the car, muffled voices heard having an argument. He couldn't tell what they were saying to each other, but he saw Yoongi slam his hands onto the steering wheel in anger or frustration."How can we just stand by while Hoseok goes through this? Answer that, Namjoon."

There was no time for Namjoon to answer though. He watched as Hoseok got out of the car and slammed the door before Yoongi drove away."Hoseok!" Namjoon called out to him. When they were noticed, he felt concerned as their friend stepped over to them."Everything okay?"

Hoseok shook his head, lowering his gaze to the ground."Yoongi-hyung's mad at me. I took him out for breakfast for a little date this morning, but nothing was to his liking. And now he doesn't want to come to work, so he's going back home." Tears stung at his eyes, so he lifted a hand to wipe them away."He said he's going to take the money out of my next paycheck that he won't be making because of this missed shift." He let out a heart-wrenching sniffle."Guys, what am I going to do? He's so mad, and I'm worried that he'll still be mad when I get home in the morning." Hoseok was suddenly pulled into an embrace, Seokjin's arms wrapping protectively around him.

"You've got us, Hoseok. We'll do anything to help you and make sure that no-good cretin pays for everything he does." It broke Seokjin's heart to see Hoseok so upset. He would do anything and everything to make sure Yoongi paid for being cruel to someone as sweet and innocent as Hoseok. He knew he needed to have a talk with the others. He wanted to escalate things. He wanted to make Yoongi regret ever hurting Hoseok.


When Yoongi got back home, he just sat in the car for several minutes, trying to be calm as he thought about what just happened. More specifically, he thought about what was going to happen next. He knew the kinds of things that were going to be said at work while he wasn't there. He knew Hoseok's friends were going to plot more mean things to do to him. As he thought about it, his hands shook.

Why was this so hard? Why couldn't he turn it around? Why was this happening? Getting out of the car, Yoongi went into the house and straight to the bedroom. For an upside, at least he was getting a night to himself. No Hoseok. No harassment. Just for tonight, he was alone. Putting his back against the bedroom door, Yoongi sank down to the floor and put his hands over his face.

Being alone, there was nothing stopping him from breaking down into a fit of tears and sobs. He didn't have to swallow the pain tonight. He could let it out and try to feel better for at least a few hours, before morning would come. After a bit, Yoongi pulled his phone out of his pocket and turned on the screen. He opened up his contacts and stared at how empty it was, only Hoseok's name present. No friends. No family. No one.

Completely isolated.

Getting up from the floor, Yoongi retrieved the black notebook from the sock drawer and a pen from atop the dresser. Opening it up to the next blank page, he wrote shakily.

Dear Diary,

Why does everyone believe his act?

Toxic Duality (Sope/NamGi) 🔞Where stories live. Discover now