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Dear Diary,

Everything is about to get much worse.

"Showing up to work tonight is not going to be a good idea for Yoongi." Seokjin said as he walked with Namjoon. They always walked together because they were neighbors, but Namjoon was starting to get on Seokjin's nerves a little. He was trying to not let it bother him though.

"What do you mean?" Namjoon knew how everyone acted toward Yoongi, but he didn't really see any big harm that could come to Yoongi at work. If anything, being at work with cameras protected Yoongi from most physical harm. Not that it really saved him from the harassment at all."Did something happen?"

Pulling his phone out of his pocket, Seokjin opened up his text conversation with Jungkook to show a picture that had been sent to him earlier."Look at poor Hoseok's face." Showing it to Namjoon, he frowned deeply."That degenerate piece of shit gave our Hoseokie a black eye."

"Has anyone asked Yoongi-hyung about it?" Namjoon knew this was what was getting on Seokjin's nerves, but he wasn't going to stop. He refused to let himself disregard Yoongi's feelings and possible explanation."What's his side of the story?"

"Who cares what his side of the story is?" Seokjin huffed and slipped his phone back into his pocket."He'll probably make up some story about it being all Hoseok's fault. Jungkook told me that Hoseok and Yoongi got into a fight. When Yoongi started getting violent, Hoseok hit him in self-defense. I guess that pissed Yoongi off more. So Hoseok spent the day at Jungkook's place."

Namjoon stopped in his tracks at what Seokjin said."Hoseok said that he hit Yoongi?" That almost didn't make sense. Why would Hoseok admit to hitting Yoongi if he was always careful to not leave any marks? Only one possibility came to mind. Hoseok must have messed up. He must have left a mark on Yoongi and needed to cover it up with a story of self-defense. But what happened to Hoseok, really? Namjoon highly doubted Yoongi would hit him.

"Well, yeah. It was self-defense, Namjoon. I'm proud of Hoseok for trying to stand up for himself against that dickweed." Seokjin let out a sigh and slumped his shoulders."But as I was saying, it would be dumb for Yoongi to come to work tonight. Jungkook's pissed. He called me earlier, and it was the first time I ever heard him sound so angry."

This wasn't sounding good to Namjoon at all."You don't think he'll do something stupid, do you?"

"I think it's a possibility." Seokjin didn't want to believe that Jungkook would do anything that might get himself in major trouble, but he also thought Yoongi deserved anything Jungkook might do.

Namjoon was definitely worried now. If any of their friends posed a threat to Yoongi's well-being, it was Jungkook. He was the youngest of their group and the most hardheaded. He tended to act irrationally, and Namjoon knew that. If Jungkook thought he was doing the right thing, there was no telling what he would do to Yoongi. The rest of their friends weren't as bad. Sure, Jimin was petty, but he wouldn't do physical harm. He was more likely to just make messes in Yoongi's area, like when he had poured mouthwash on him. Seokjin was petty too, just not to Jimin's level. And Taehyung...Well, he was more of a hate-from-the-sidelines kind of guy. He would only step in if he saw the abuse actually happening, just like he wouldn't step in to stop any of the harassment either.

When they reached the store, Seokjin was very happy to see Jungkook's car. Sure, he didn't like the heavy music that could be heard playing way too loudly from the radio, but he was glad that Jungkook had arrived with Hoseok. Seokjin knew that Hoseok needed to be with friends right now, and they were all ready to support him."Hey, look, it's--" Seokjin choked on his words when he was able to see in through the car windows once they were close enough."Oh my god, they're kissing~!" he squealed.

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