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Minju has been in love with Kang Hyewon the popular guy in school. She kept it a secret from everyone including her bestfriend Yuri.

Today,she decided to confess to Hyewon. She then walk towards Hyewon classroom. But due to her suprise she saw her bestfriend in her crush classroom.

"Jo Yuri. Would you like to be my girlfriend?" Hyewon ask.

"Yes!" Yuri said.

Minju was shocked. She feel her world crash down. She regret keeping it a secret.

If she said it to her, Yuri will not accepted Hyewon. She really regret everything.

She then run back to her classroom and sit at her desk. She then started to cry. Suddenly someone sit beside her.

"Nonna you okay?" Her junior Yujin ask her.

She then hug Yujin tightly.

"It's okay Minju. I'm sure they will break up soon." Hitomi said.

"What?" Minju ask.

"Yeah I'm sure cause I can see that Yuri like Yena not Hyewon. She maybe used Hyewon to move on from Yena." Hitomi continued.

"B-But what if she really moved on from Yena oppa?" Minju ask.

"God's plan~" Yujin said to Minju.

Minju then continue crying.

Suddenly the class door open showing Yuri with a bonquet of roses in her hands. Yuri look so happy.

"Hey guys- OMG! MINJU WHAT HAPPENED?!" Yuri ask.

She then run towards Minju and hug her tightly. What she didn't know is that she's the real reason why Minju is crying.

"What kind of bestie are you Yuri?! Even your bestfriend crush you didn't know who!" Hitomi said sarcastilly.

"What are you talking about Tomi?" Yuri ask.

"Cehh" Hitomi said and walk away.

While Yuri is trying her best to calm Minju. She want to ask Minju why she cried, but she feel like it's a wrong time to ask.

"Ok. Enough Yuri." Minju said.

"What happened?" Yuri ask.

"I-I fell from the stairs." Minju lied.

She don't want to ruin Hyewon and Yuri relationship. She's also worried if she confess her friendship with Yuri will end.

"Aishh. Kim Minju look at where you're walking next time!" Yuri scold.

"Ok Boss." Minju said.

"Hey! I'm serious." Yuri said pouting.

"Ok sorry." Minju apologize.

"Sooo you said you want to confess to your crush. How does it go? If he rejected you I'll burn him to death." Yuri said.

Minju just chuckled and fake a smile.

"He-he accepted me!" Minju lied.

"OMG! So when can I meet him?" Yuri ask.

"Uhm. You know him thou." Minju said that shocked Yuri.

"Who?!" Yuri ask.

"It's Yujin."

"What?!" Yuri ask.

"Me?!?!" Yujin ask while pointing at himself.

"WTF?! AREN'T YUJIN WITH WONYOUNG?!" Hitomi shocked.

Minju then look at Wonyoung. They were speaking with eyes. Wonyoung then understand so she went with the flow.

"Yeah they are together. Me and Yujin are just besties." She said.

"What?!" All of them ask at the same time.

"B-But" Yuri said

"It's false." Yujin said when he finally understand what Minju and Wonyoung planned.

"W-well congrats then." Yuri said.

Suddenly the bell ring which means it's time to study. So the others went back to their classroom while Minju was faking her smile.

Timeskip Lunch (Cafeteria)

"Hey baby" Hyewon called Yuri.

Minju and Yuri was walking together towards the cafeteria when suddenly Hyewon called Yuri. Minju heart broke but she just fake a smile to show that she's happy for her bestie.

Wonyoung,Yujin,Yena,Sakura,Chaeyeon and Chaewon was sitting together when Wonyoung saw that Minju was being a third wheel to Hyeyul.

"Go!" She signalled her boyfriend.

"What?!" Yujin ask shocked.

"Help unnie!" She said.

Yujin then stand up and walk towards Minju. But not before she pecked Wonyoung lips.

"Kids nowadays." Sakura said.

"Heyy babeee. Where a have you been I've been waiting for you for almost 10 minutes now." Yujin said while holding Minju hands.

"Ouh Hai Hyung." He greet Hyewon.

Hyewon just wave.

Yujin then bring Minju towards their table. As Minju sit, all of them stare at her. Then suddenly Minju break down. She started crying endlessly.

"Shh. It's okay unnie. There is a lot of guys out there." Wonyoung said.

"Yeah. What Wonyoung said is true. There is alot of guys out there you should move on Minju." Chaeyeon adviced her.

Minju then nodded and wipe her tears. While Chaewon was just staring at her.

Chaewon actually In love with her but she was too blind in love with Hyewon.

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