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Minju Pov

As soon as I earsdropped Yena oppa and Yuri I quickly run away. Afraid that someone will see me.

I was running when I accidently bump into someone.

"OMG!SORRY" I apologize.

"No.. I'm the one who suppose to apologize." The person said.

His voice sound familiar. I look at his face and it's Hyewon oppa.

"For what?" I ask coldly.

"Last night." He answer.

"It's non of my bussines. And plus she's your girlfri-" I was cutted by my own thought.

Yena oppa and Yuri was making out just now. But Hyewon oppa is Yuri boyfriend?

"Yes but it's your house." He said.

I just nodded and walk away.

Hyewon Pov

I was about to chase after her and tell everything but Chaewon called me.


"Woah calm down boss. Meet me at the empty classroom."

I then ended the call.

I run towards Minju. Luckily I'm a fast runner. I tapped her shoulder that make her turn around.

"Yes?" She said.

I quickly capture her lips and kiss her passionately. When we pull away, I notice that a lot of people gathered around us while holding their phone up.

"What?" She ask.

"I lo-" I was about to confess but Chaewon interrupted us.

"Yahhhh Kang Hyewon! I've been waiting for half an h-" Chaewon scream.

"Ouhh Chaewon." Minju said.

"H-Hi" Chaewon stuttered.

"Minju be mine please. I love you." I confess.

Minju was shocked. But she look down.

"I'm sorry. But don't you think it's too fast and besides you with Yuri." She said.

I can see sadness in her eyes. Why did she rejected me? I thought she love me?

"Then let me court you." I said.

"I'll think about it." She said.

And just like that she walk away. And the crowd started murmuring things such as

"Is he cheating on Yuri?"

"OMG?! Did he just got rejected?!"

"It's the first time a person reject him."

I was irritated and drag Chaewon towards the empty classroom. When we enter we saw Yena and Yuri kissing each other.

"Ehem." I said.

Yena then turn around. Yuri just relax. But Yena seems like he just saw a ghost.

"Don't worry bro." I tell him and wink.

"Let's start the meeting." Chaewon said.

I sat at one of the chair with Chaewon next to me while Yuri was dragging Yena in a weird way.

"Hey Yuri. You okay? Why did you walk like a penguin?" I ask.

"He's too rough." She said.

Me and Chaewon then started laughing. While Yena is looking at me weirdly.

"What?" I ask.

"Aren't you mad?" He ask.

"Why? We're not real." I said.

He then look at Yuri shocked.

"I-I thought-" he stuttered.

"It's his plan to make Minju jealous." Yuri answer.

Yena then nodded. All of us then look at Chaewon.

"What?!" He ask.

"The plan." I answer.

"Ouhhh." He answer.

He then went silent again. We just stare at him.

"Yahhh." I shout at him.

"So the plan is you already did what I planned so no use." Chaewon said.

"What did he do?" Yuri ask while hugging Yena.

"He kissed Minju infront of everyone. And confess but pfff-hahahaha" he suddenly burst in laughter.

"He-he g-got hahaha rejected hahahaha" he continue.

Yuri then look at me worriedly. Yena also look at me.

"Yeah. I ask to court her but she said she'll think about it." I said.

Yena then sigh. I just look at him weirdly.

"Hyewon better faster or you're too late." Yena advised.

I just nodded and sigh I don't know what to do.


Hyewon was reading on his bed when suddenly his phone vibrate.





Ok then thank you Minju.

K. See you tomorrow.

Goodnight, Love😘

He was so happy. He was rolling on his bed like a high school girl.

While Minju she is blushing. She is still in love with Hyewon but she don't want to rush things.

So she just agreed on Hyewon to court her.

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