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Hyewon Pov

We just arrive home when suddenly Doyeon called me. I look at Minju and saw her focusing on our son. I went to the kitchen and answer the call.



Hyewon ah *sob*

Ouh. Doyeon ahh what happen?

Yoo-*sob* jung broke up with me.

Where are you?

At **** Bar

I'll be there in a minute. Wait there.

Call Ended

Doyeon called me because she broke up with Yoojung. But why me? She's Minju's friend not mine. I just went to the bar that Doyeon tell me without telling Minju.

When I arrive I saw drunk Doyeon asking for another bottle. Which the bartender hessitate to give cause she's so drunk.

"Doyeon ahh. Let's go." I pull her wrist.

"Ouh. Hyewon ahh. I love u." She said and cup my face.

I was about to remove her hands from ny face when she suddenly kiss my lips. This is wrong! I'm getting married. If Minju find out I'm sure that I will got fired.

When we pull away, I just take her bag and carry her to my car. I drive her to her apartment.

Once we enter her apartment she started to kiss me again. My mind tell me to pull away but my body responded to the kiss.


Doyeon hands started to unbutton Hyewon's shirt. But then suddenly she pass out. Hyewon himself were shocked. He coudn't belive that he cheated again with Minju own bestfriend.

He then carry Doyeon to her bed and quickly wear his shirt back. When he's done he enter his car and drive home.


Hyewon enter his house quietly afraid that Minju will saw him. But when he enter their bedroom. Minju was sitting on the edge of the bed, with Hyewon phone on her hand.

Hyewon was shocked when he saw Minju still awake and his phone is on her hand. He quickly check his pocket to make sure it's his phone in Minju's hand. But sadly his phone is not in his pocket.

"Having fun with Doyeon?" Minju ask sarcastically.

Hyewon could only gulp and pray for his fate. He thought that Minju will slap him or punch him but instead Minju went out and throw Hyewon's phone on the bed.

"Minju?" He followed Minju.

But when he was about to talk more. Minju enter their son bedroom and lock the door. Hyewon sigh and went back to their room. While Minju lied down beside her son and her tears started to fall. She could only hug her son and cry until she fall asleep.

The Next Morning

Mingyu wake up and saw him mommy next to him. He saw that Minju eyes are swollen. He then stand up and storm outside.

He knock harshly on his father bedroom. When he got no respone he just open the door while tip toeing. He saw that Hyewon was sleeping peacefully.

He straddle Hyewon and start to punch his face. Hyewon wake up and saw his son punching him. He quickly hold both of his arms and look at him.

"What's wrong baby?" He ask his son.

"you are not a good guy bechous you make mommy cry." He continue to punch Hyewon.

"What?!" He then carry his son and walk towards Mingyu's room.

When he enter he saw Minju sleeping with swollen eyes. He feel guilty. He was about to aproach her when suddenly his son started to call Minju.

He quickly but Mingyu down and walk towards his room. His phone started to ring and he just answer the call without thinking.


Hyewon ahh. Where are you?

I'm at home.

Aren't you're suppose to sleep with me!

Ouh. Sorry. My mom suddenly called last night.*lie*

Ouh. Then I'l see you later then. Bye.

Call Ended

"I'm dommed." He thought.

Minju Pov

The whole ride to work is quiet well except for Mingyu who is busy playing with his Black Panther toy.*R.I.P*

We arrive at the company and alot of the staff there greet us. We were holding Mingyu's hand while headung towards our office. I was holding his left hand while Hyewon was holding his right hand.

We were about to enter the elevator when suddenly Doyeon suddenly called Hyewon. He glace at me but I glare at him.

"Ouh Morning Minju-ya." She bow at me but I just smile and walk away leaving him with Doyeon.

When I enter my office Mingyu suddenly talk.

"Who is that aunt just now mommy?" He ask.

"A friend of mine." Well a fake friend of mine.

"Then why is she only talk to daddy not mommy?" He tilted his head.

"Maybe there is something they wanna talk about." I carres his face.

He continue to play his toy while I do my work. My office is only filled with silence when suddenly someone knock on the door.

"I open it!" Mingyu shout and stand up.

When he open he suddenly turn around and walk sit on my lap. He's frowning.

"Minju. You will be having a meeting in 9 Minutes. With you're father." Hyewon inform me.

I just nod and focus on my son who is frowning. Hyewon talk to him but he just pout at his father.

Hyewon then sigh and excuse himself. What is wrong with this two?

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