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Minju and Hyewon are now in Manukan Island,Malaysia having their honeymoon. Hyewon was swimming while Minju is sitting on one of the bench while looking at her husband.

Suddenly someone sit beside her but she just ignored it. She was too focus staring at Hyewon.

"A shark ate my only friend....will you be my new friend?" The man ask her. Minju look at him and just smile. While the guys run away because of embarresment.

Minju only shooked her head and focus back on her husband. Suddenly another guy aproach her.

"Hear that? The ocean wants you to join me for a drink." The guy the smile at Minju. But she just roll her eyes and focus on her husband again. The guy then run away with a dissapointment look.

"hey miss? Let's go back to my place and get out of these wet clothes." A guy wink at Minju. Minju just look at him up and down then look back at her husband.

"It's Mrs. Not miss." Minju said.

"S-sorry." He then also run away. Hyewon was has been watching a lot of guys trying to hit on his wife just smirk. When another guys were about aproach Minju again he then aproach her.

Minju saw him aproaching so she stand up while holding his towel. Minju saw some of the women there is staring at Hyewon. When Hyewon was infront of her she then wipe Hyewon abs and dry his hair using the towel. When she's done she then hang the towel around his neck and pull him closer. She then smirk because smashing her lips on Hyewon.

Hyewon kiss back and put his hands around Minju waist. The guys that were trying to hit on Minju then gasp.

They pull away and Hyewon peck her lips. They then walk back to their room hand in hand.

As soon as they enter their room Hyewon then push Minju on the bed. Minju knows where this thing is going.

Hyewon then kiss her passionately. Minju hands were on his hair. Hyewon bit her lower lip asking for entrance. They both then have a tounge fight which of course Hyewon won.

He then pull away and started to suck Minju neck. His hands are taking off Minju clothes. When her clothes were off he then cup Minju panty with his palm making the latter moan.


"So wet for me." He then take off Minju's bra and suck on her nipples. His sucking her left breast like an infant while massaging the other one.

"Ahh~Hubby~"She arched her back. Hyewon then take off her panty and also take of his boxer. He then cup Minju's clit and kiss Minju passionately.

He then pound his cock before setting it in front of Minju entarce.

"I wanna pound you the way the ocean pound the surf." He kisses her forehead and enter her fully. Minju moan loudly.
He then rock back and forth in and unbeliveable pace.

"Ahh~ahh~" Minju moan.

"Tell me honey. When Hyunjin fuck you. Did you eat the pill?" He ask.

"Y-ye-earghh yess~" she moan.

Hyewon smile when he hear the answer. He then rock even faster making Minju moan even more.

"I'm cumming." They both then cum together. Minju was breathing heavily. Hyewon then look at his cock and it was fully buried inside Minju.

"Wifey? Did I cum inside?" He ask.

"Y-yes." She answer.

"Did you take the pill?" He ask.

"No." She answer.

"Then there's no turning back now. Let's make a baby." He then started to fuck her again. They're session end late at night. He lay beside her. Minju instanly fall asleep. He giggled and pull her closer then pull the blanket to cover them.

Minju Pov

I wake up and feel really sore down there. I look around and saw no presence of Hyewon. I just proceed to take a shower.

When I was done I dress up. I enter the living room and saw him watching movie.

"You okay?" He ask and peck my forehead. I only nod. My lower region really hurt. It's hard for me to walk.

"You were wild last night baby." He chuckeld. I only sigh. He then stand up, when he return he was already holding a plate. I look at him and he only smile at me. He then feed me pancakes.

"I can feed myself." I said.

"Is there any problem of me trying to take care of my wife?" He ask.

I shooked my head and he continue to feed me. We then spend our day cuddling while watching movies. My eye then feel heavy. The next thing I know is that I already fell asleep.

Hyewon Pov

I look at Minju because she didn't move. I saw her sleeping peacefully in my arms. I then carry her to our bedroom and tuck her to bed. I lay beside her and join her to dreamland.

"Sorry baby. I was too rough last night. I love u. I forgive you."

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