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Hyewon Pov

I was heading towards the toilet when suddenly someone pull me inside the cafeteria. The person then push me on the counter and kiss me. I open my eyes and look at the person who is kissing me. It was Doyeon.

I was about to kiss back when I then realise that the cafeteria have CCTV in it. I just peck her lips and pull away.

"What's wrong honey?" She ask.

"Uhm. I need to pee." I said.

She then giggle and leave me alone in the cafeteria. I then sigh in relieve. I then run towards the toilet and do my bussiness.

Minju Pov

"Mommy~Mingyu is sleepy." Mingyu said while rubbing his eyes. I just carry him and pat his back. Suddenly the door swing open, I look at the person and it was Hyewon.

He smile and backhug me. He kiss my cheek and pat Mingyu head.

"Where did you go just now?" I ask.

"I went to the toilet." He answer.

I nod and continue to put Mingyu to sleep. He then excuse himself but when he's about to exit Doyeon suddenly open the door. They both then freeze.

"Uhm. Is everything alright?" I ask them both.

Hyewon smile and shooked his head. While Doyeon only smile. He then walk away and Doyeon aproach me.

"Who-whose child is that?" She ask.

"Mine." I answer.

"Who is the father?" She ask.

But I just remain silent. Thankfully she change the subject.

"Nevermind. I actually came here to tell you that we'll be having an event next week. I hope you didn't forget." She tell me.

I sigh and lay Mingyu on the couch. I really forget about the event.

"I for-get." I said.

She then giggle and put the file on my table. She then pat my back still laughing. Suddenly she turn around.

"You're son is good looking." She compliment and continue to giggle and went outside.

I look at Mingyu sleeping. He look just like Hyewon. I then continue to do my work. I open the file but suddenly I feel like I should look at the CCTV. When I was about to face my computer, Mingyu started to cry so I stood up and calm him.


Hyewon and Doyeon was busy making out at the cafeteria. The cafeteria is empty at time like this. Suddenly Doyeon pull away shocking Hyewon.

"Hey what's wrong babe?!" He ask. But when he's about to kiss her again, Doyeon speak.

"You're the person whose Minju marrying right?" She suddenly ask.

"What are you talking about babe?" He act stupid.

"You look just like her son." She speak.

"I'm done being your side chick! I'm breaking up with you! Why did you tell me that you're getting married with her?! She's my bestfriend Hyewon! I will never betray her! It's better if we break up. I don't want to hurt Minju." Doyeon said.

"H-how did you know that I'm Minju soon to be husband?" He ask.

"My father and her father is bestfriend. My father tell me." She said and turn around. But when she's about to walk out, Minju was already standing there with tears. Hyewon himself was also shocked.

"I'm- Minju" Doyeon speak.

"I already hear your explaination just now. It's not your fault. It's mine cause I didn't tell you." Minju apologize.

"No. It's still my fault-" Doyeon got cutted off.

"You should go back to work." Minju smile.

When Doyeon was already in her office. Minju only stare at Hyewon and sigh.

"We'll talk at home." She says and walk towards her own office.

"What have I done?!" Hyewon sigh.


Minju was in Mingyu room reading him a story. Hyewon was peeking from the door. His eyes are teary. Mingyu was about to sleep when suddenly he spoke.

"Daddy. Sit next to me please." He said that shocked his parents. Hyewon wipe his tears and sit next to Mingyu. Minju just continue to read. When the story ended Mingyu ask his parents something that hard to give him since his parents is not in a good situation.

"Mommy. Daddy. I want a sibling." He giggled.

Hyewon look at Minju. Both of them exchange glances and answer Mingyu.

"Sure baby." Hyewon and Minju speak at the same time.

Mingyu giggle and sleep. While Hyewon and Minju were both blushing. They kiss Mingyu forehead and they went inside their own bedroom.

"So...." Hyewon said trying to break the silence.

"I'm sorry." He speak.

"It's my fault anyway. I didn't confess earlier." Minju pout.

Hyewon was shocked when Minju said that. He thought that they will fight, but instead they were just talk. Hyewon aproach Minju and cup her face. They both were having a staring contest.

"It's my fault not yours. I'll promise that will not cheat again. I love you." He peck Minju lips.

Minju then hug his waist and they both kiss passionately. When they both pull away Hyewon started to smirk.

"Let's give Mingyu what he want?" He whisper to Minju ears.

"Let's do it after we get married." she then lay down.

Hyewon then pout and follow her. He hug her and they both cuddle. Minju was about to sleep but Hyewon ask her a question.

"How many kids do you want?" He ask.

"I don't care how many we have. As long as it's came from me and you." She answer.

Hyewon then blush and kiss her forehead.

"I have a sweet wife. Goodnight honey. I luv u."

"I love u too." They both then fell asleep together.

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