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Hyewon Pov

It's already been a week since she become the CEO. And it's also been a week since she started to be cold to me. She will only become sweet to me when we're infront of our family and friend. But when it's just us she will be cold.

I'm currently in my office when suddenly my phone ring. I saw my father caller Id so I just answer it.

Mr Kang,Hyewon

"Yes dad?"

"I'm going to the office today."

"Ouhh ehhmm do you want me to reafy anything?"

"Coffee will do."

"Ok see you."

I then ended the call and immidiatly enter Minju office. But the problem is that I forget to knock.


Wow she's mad. But whateves.

"Relax Miss Kim. But my dad is coming." I said.

"Then make him a coffee or something." She answer calmly this time.

"On it."

I then rush to make coffee for my precious father. But when I was doing it suddenly the door swing open. I don't mind to look at the person cause I was super focus on the coffee.

"Hello Mr Kang." The person said.

She's a girl thou. I just ignored it. But she speak again.

"You seems like you're on a rush." She said.

I look at her and saw my ex crush. She look so freaking hot.

"Hello. Sorry I was in a rush." I scratch my nape.

"It's okay Mr Kang." She giggled.

Omg! She look so hot even if she's giggling. But then suddenly the coffee make started ticking which means it's ready.

"I'll go first Doyeon see you around." I wave at her.

"Bye Mr Kang." She wink.

I can feel my face heating up so I just rush to Minju office. When I enter I saw my father. I then smile and give him the coffee.

"Hyewon." He called.

"Dad?" I answer.

"Sit beside Minju for a moment."

I then proceed to sit beside her but suddenly she put her hand on my thight. See she will only do this things infront of people.

"So everything is set except for the date. Sooo when?" My father ask.

"Uhmm. Me and Hyewon haven't talk about it." She answer.

"You both must be busy." He said.

I only nod. I look at Minju but she's smiling brightly.

"Then you both should talk about it. We don't want to waste time." My father said.

We only nod. He finish his drink and went home. When I was about to stand up Minju suddenly talk.

"Enjoying yourself at the cafeteria just now Mr Kang?" She ask.

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't think that I don't know that you flirted with Miss Kim Doyeon, Mr Kang?"

I can smell jealousy hahaha. I only look at her and just remain silent.

"This is office Mr Kang not hotel." She said.

What is wrong with her? I was just talking to Doyeon nothing else. And how did she know that I talk to Doyeon? Hmm. Weird.

"Is there anything else Miss Kim?" I ask.

"No. You may go now." She said.

"K. Love you." But I just mumbled the last words.

"What?!" She ask.

"Ah uhm. Nothing."

I answer and quickly walk out. When I enter my office I just sigh and do ny work.

Minju Pov

I was actually jealous when I saw he talk to Doyeon. I was looking at the CCTV from the cafeteria and saw her send a wink to him.

I still love him but I just don't want to admit it. I just continue my work to avoid myself from thinking about them.


Both of them were too busy working that they didn't notice the time. It's already 5 P.M which means it's time their work end.

Hyewon was still typing on his computer when Minju suddenly open his office door. Hyewon was shocked that he fell from his chair.

"Ouch!" He hissed in pain because his forhead hit the table.

He stand up and look at Minju. Minju was shocked when she look at him. His forehead have a scratch. She then aproach him and cup his face.

"Eah. Ehm where are you going?" He ask cause he notice Minju hand bag.

"It's already 5. We should go home now. Our son must be waiting." She said as she let go off his face.

"Who?" He ask.

"Our son."

He then smirk and put his hands on Minju waist. Minju was a blushing mess.

"Our son huh." He tease.

"Yeah. He's our child thou."

"Our child..." he smirk.

"You must be tired let's go home now."

"You care huh." He tease her.

But when he saw Minju started to get serious he immidiatly shut down his computer and turn off the lights and they both went home.

𝗠𝘆 𝗕𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱 𝗕𝗼𝘆𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱Where stories live. Discover now