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Hyewon Pov

"Go get your girl." Yena whisper.

"Wh-what if that guy is her boyfriend?" I answer.

"Bruh. You're over thinking. Give your son to me I'll look after him." He said.

"What are you talking about? Why would I-"

"Stupid. I'll look after him while you get his mom." Yena answer.

I just nodded and give Mingyu to Yena. I was about to walk away when he suddenly talk again.

"She's going to America tomorrow. So move you ass faster." He said.

I then glare at him and disturb Minju and the guy.

I just stand behind her while looking at the guy. He look familiar thou.

"M-Mr. Kang." He said trembling.

"Yes?" I answer.

Minju then turn around and look at ne with a shocked expression. I then smrik and talk.

"Ouh hey babe what are you doing here?" I ask carresing her cheek.

"Ehm. Excuse me." The guy said.

"Bye bye" I said to him and look back at Minju.

"What do you want?" She ask.

"If I tell you what I want will you do it." I said.

"Just tell me." She said.

"Move in with me." I said.

"Why would I? I don't even like you?" She ask.

"Because your son can't stop asking *mommy? Mommy?* so that's why. And plus I didn't ask wether you like me or not. But I don't care if you don't like me as long as I'm in love with you." I said then wink at her.

"B-but what will happen if I moved in with you"

"Well you can choose wether you want to sleep one bed with me or -"

"No!" She's disgusted in me!

"I touch you face just now and you didn't flinch or stop me instead you let me be. Sooo one bed baby. And plus my house only have 3 room. 1 for Mingyu and 1 for me." I said.

"But there is another room why-"

"The other room is my office." I lie.

"I'll ask dad first." She said.

"I already ask him." I answer.


I then pull her waist closer to me and kiss her lips because Hyunjin and his gang is aproaching us.

"Ehem." Hyunjin fake cough.

I then pull away,but I didn't turn around. Only Minju facing him.

"Dance with me." He said.

"I-I'm sorry" Minju reject him.

"Yow bro who are you?" He tap my shoulder.

"Wait isn't that designer design suit?!" I.N ask.

"If it is there is only one person who can afford it! Yoww Hyunjin let's go." Felix warn him.

I just smrik. Minju then cup my face giving me a *don't do it* face. I peck her lips then I feel a hand on my shoulder.

I turn around and take his hand off my shoulder. His gang then gasp and lower their head.

"Rule number 10." I said while inserting my hands inside my pocket.

"Don't touch Mr Kang without permission." Felix said.

"Good. Now. Go." I command him.

He then run away.

"But why can she touch you without permission?!" Hyunjin ask me while smirking.

This boy is really trying to fight me. I then calm myself.

"Rule number 1"

"Don't talk unless Mr Kang told you to." I.N said.

"Go." He then run and follow Felix.

"Why are they afraid of him." He point at me.

"Hyunjin." Changbin said.

"Rule number 5 Hyunjin!" Lee Know tell him.

"What is this rule?! It's useless." Hyunjin giggled.

"You can only point at Mr Kang with your thumb finger." Lee Know continue.

I smile and he run away immidietly.

"You know what Mr Kang?! You're stupid?! You are a playboy! You fuck whoever you want!" Hyunjin shout.

"I think you're talking about yourself. I will only loyal with my wife." I answer.

"Sorry sir we'll get going now." Changbin then pull him away.

I turn back at Minju. And smile.

"So what is you're answer." I ask.

"O-ok" she said.

"Yay!" I said.

But I think I just scare her with my rules. I then hold her hand and walk towards Yena.

Mingyu then stand up from his seat and run towards Minju. She carry him and kiss his cheek.

"#jealous" Yena tease.

I just glare at him.

"Mommy" Mingyu said.

Minju then giggle and kiss his forehead. I feel really jealous right now.

𝗠𝘆 𝗕𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱 𝗕𝗼𝘆𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱Where stories live. Discover now