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A week has passed but Minju and Hyewon are still not in good terms. They will always fight when they are talking about their wedding. Hyewon was so done with her.

He really love her but everytime he said those 3 words Minju will always reply 'I don't see you the same way. Just move on.' .


So Hyewon went to Han river and sit at one of the bench. He was enjoying the breeze when he suddenly saw a couple with their son.

"I wish I could feel that too." He sigh.

He look somewhere else and also saw a couple being sweet to each other. Suddenly Minju words keep on replaying in his mind.

"Should I really move on?" He ask himself.

His phone then ring. He thought it was Minju but it was someone else. It was Doyeon. He just ignore the call. But he receive a chat.

From: Kim Doyeon

Can we have lunch together?

To:Kim Doyeon

Sure. Where?

From:Kim Doyeon

Here at **** restaurant.

To:Kim Doyeon

I'll be there in 10.

He then drive himself to the restaurant that Doyeon mention.

When he arrive he saw Doyeon already there.'she look so frickin pretty.' He thought before aproaching her.

Hyewon Pov

"Hello." I greet and sit infront of her.

I can't stop staring at her. She look so pretty right now. No! You have Minju! But she told you to move on. Well let's give try.

"Hyewon?" She cut my thoughts off.

"Sorry." I apologize.

While we were eating I was keep on staring at her. The way she laugh make me fell in love instantly.

"Actually I have feelings for you." She said that make me stop staring at her.

The atmosphere between us then become awkward. Is this a sign that I should move on already?

I sit next to her. She only look at her hands. I grab her chin and make her face me. When our face are just a few inches away, I then connect our lips.

She was shocked but then kiss me back.
When we pull away I can see that her face is red.

"Be mine then." I said then she nod.


Minju Pov

It was our day off today. I was planning to spend time with Hyewon and Mingyu but he already leave the house at 9 A.M. He didn't even infrom me where he's going. Well why should he it's not like we're in a relationship.

"Mommy? Where's daddy?" Mingyu ask.

"H-He's have a little work to do. He will be home soon." I lied.

He only nod and continue to play his toys. I was lost in thoughts when suddenly someone called me.


Doyeon ahh why did you called?

I have some good news to tell you.

what is it?
You finally find your prince charming?~


Then I wish you both longlast.

Thanx. You the bestest friend that not all can have. I'm lucky. Hahaha.

Yahh. Stop. I'm blushing now. Hahaha.

Ok then. I need to go byee.


I'm happy that Doyeon finally found someone who can love her. But my heart suddenly feel heavy.


What Minju didn't know is that her soon to be husband is dating jer bestfriend. Doyeon didn't know that Minju and Hyewon have a past because Minju kept it a secret to her. She only don't know that Minju and Hyewon is getting married.

Hyewon is now walking at the beach with his 'Girlfriend'. Hyewon feelings for Minju was replaced by Doyeon. He was crazy in love with Doyeon.

They were spending time together until 7 P.M. They lose track of times. When they parted ways Hyewon kiss Doyeon passinately.


When he arrive home. He saw Minju and Mingyu eating dinner. He aproach them. He kiss Mingyu head and take a sit.

"Daddy? Where did you go?" Mingyu ask.

"I uhh." He struggle to answer his son.

"Daddy went to meet his friends baby. Right Honey?" Minju saved him.

"Y-yes." His heart suddenly beat faster when Minju called him with sweet names.

"Did she fell for me? No. You have Doyeon. But it's not wrong to have two right. Ehhh no Hyewon stop being a playboy!" He thought.

"Mommy. I think daddy is crazy." Mingyu whisper to Minju.

Minju only smile and pat Mingyu head. While Hyewon was busy fighting with his thoughts.


It was bed time for them. Hyewon was busy chatting Doyeon while sitting on the bed. While Minju was reading her book next to him.

Minju saw that Hyewon was giggling and blushing. She just ignored it and continue to read.

She was tired so she put her book back at it's place and lay down. Hyewon then charge his phone and back hug Minju. She was shocked but just ignored it.

Hyewon was hugging her. He was shocked when Minju hand hold his hand that was wrap around her waist. Hyewon thought that Minju was going to remove it from her waist so he pull his hand back. But before he could pull away, Minju carres it and move closer to him.

Hyewon then smile and kiss her head. Minju then smile. She thought that it's time fot her to tell him the truth. So she turn around facing him that shocked him.

"Is there something wrong?" He ask.

"I love u" she confess.

Hyewon was shocked. He then hug Minju and their face is just inches closer. He peck her lips and kiss her forehead.

"I love you too." He answer.

Minju hug him back and bury her face on his neck. Hyewon feel like he's in heaven because his crush like him back. But then he remember about Doyeon.

He sigh and stare at Minju. "I'm sorry." He whisper and kiss Minju lips. But Minju was already asleep. Soon he join her in the dreamland.

𝗠𝘆 𝗕𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱 𝗕𝗼𝘆𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱Where stories live. Discover now