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The Next Day

"What the f*uk Hye?!" Chaewon said while struggling to get out of Hyewon grip.

They are now inside the comfort room. Chaewon was washing his hands when suddenly Hyewon pinned him on the wall.

"Why did you kiss my girlfriend yesterday?!" Hyewon ask.

Chaewon want to kick him but he remember that Hyewon can do taekwondo and his gang is behind him. So he couldn't do anything.

"Wh-who is your g-girlfriend?" Chaewon ask.

"Well she not my girfriend." Hyewon said.

"Then if she's not your girlfriend why did you sudden-"

"She's my wife!" Hyewon scream.

Chaewon was scared. He don't know who is he talking about.

"You're married?" Chaewon ask.

"She is mine! And will always be MINE! you get that." Hyewon said.

"Excuse me but who are you talk-"

"MINJU IS MINE AND ONLY MINE! NO ONE CAN TAKE HER AWAY FROM ME!" Hyewon is getting angry thinking about Chaewon kissing Minju.

"Why are you so sure that she will be your's?" Chaewon ask.


"Then why did you l-" he again cut off chaewon.

"As much as I want to punch you, but I think Minju will ask why you're face is bruised and who did that. I'm sure you will tell her and she will get mad at me. But it's okay she look cute when she's mad thou." Hyewon said and he started blushing just thinking about Minju.

"Ouh and the answer for you're question is because I already promised her to marry her." Hyewon said.

Chaewon saw that Hyewon started to relax but he is sure that he can still smell jealousy.

"If you want to know more. You can join my clique. How bout that?" Hyewon suggest.

Chaewon was scared so he just nodded. Hyewon then let go off him and bring him to his class.

"I'll tell you everything at the lunch. K see you later bro." Hyewon said and walk away with his gang.

"I'm dead." Chaewon thought.

Timeskip Lunch Time

"Uh Minju I can't eat with you today." Chaewon said.

"Ok." Minju just answer simply and walk with her friends.

Chaewon Pov

I was staring at Minju friend. She look so cute. Her cheeks make's me wanna squish it. Why is she so god damn cute? But I guess I'm too late.

I just shrugged my shoulder and walk towards the cafeteria. I saw Yuri sitting on the same table with Hyewon.

I take a seat in front of them. They don't even act lovey dovey.

"Well before you talk. Are you two even real?" I ask.

"No!" They said unison.

I was shocked so Minju was wasting her tears.


"It was just a plan to make Minju and Yena jealous but it seems like to Yena it's going smothly except for Minju." Yuri said.

"Why did you even do that to your bestie?" I ask.

"So that I can get closer with Minju but it didn't work." Hyewon answer.

"So tell me everything. How come you promise her something serious?" I tell Hyewon to start.

Flashback (childhood)

Minju and Hyewon was playing on the playground when suddenly Hyewon stop.

"Is there something wrong?" Minju ask.

"Will you marry me?" Hyewon ask while kneeling down.


"Ouh I saw this at the TV yesterday where the boy knee to the girl he love. He promise that he will marry the girl and have kids with her. I want to marry you." Hyewon said happily.

"But it's for old people." Minju reply.

"It's okay. We can marry now and marry again when we're old and have kids." Hyewon smile.

Minju then nodded and they do a pinky promise.

End of Flashback

Back to Chaewon Pov

"Wow!" Was all I could say

"But if you and Minju was already did pinky promise you both will be narried by now." I continue.

"True. We were suppose to be husband and wife last year but.."

"But what Hyewon?" I ask.

"She got into an accident and lost her memories. But the thing is she only forget me." Hyewon said.

I was shocked. I look at Yuri but she was staring at someone. I follow her eyes and caught her staring at Yena.

"Why don't you date him?" I ask.

"He don't like me." She answer.

"Why don't you try?" I suggest.

"You both aren't real it wasn't count as cheating." I said.

"How bout you and Minju? Are you both real?" Yuri ask.

I then nodded and hung my head low. Hyewon the look at me.

"But I think I can help." I said.

They both then look at me. I just smile.

𝗠𝘆 𝗕𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱 𝗕𝗼𝘆𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱Where stories live. Discover now