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Hyewon Pov

"How bout this one?"

"The red one look more beautifull."

"This one suits your theme."

My mother and mother in law keep nagging me. We are now at the tailor shop. We are choosing my suit for the wedding. I thought that I will be here with both my father and father in law. But when I arrive the ladies are already there.

I was planning to choose my suits with the bride. But she's busy with work. So I just came here with Mingyu.

Minju has been stuck on her office for 2 weeks now. She will always came home late, eventhou I'm her secretary. Sometimes I woke up and she's not beside me. The other side of the bed will be neatly as if no one sleep on it. Which means she sometimes didn't come home. I will always bring clothes for her so that she can clean herself at the company. Thank God that the office toilet have a shower.

I will always call her telling her to eat and rest. But nowadays I started to feel like we're started to drift apart.

"Hyewon ahh. You look handsome in that." My mother compliment me. I just smile.

"So which one do you want?" My mom ask again.

"How bout you help me? I don't know how to choose clothes. Hehehe." I scratch my nape.

Minju Pov

I just finish my meeting and flop myself on my seat. Suddenly someone knock on the door. I was expecting My Hyewon but instead it's just one of my shareholders. Hwang Hyunjin. I don't even agree working with him but my father already agree with it.

"Hey. Wanna grab some lunch?" He ask.

"No its okay. I already have mine before the meeting." I answer. I actually haven't eat. I don't want to see him because I know that me and Hyewon will fight if I go out with him.

Suddenly my phone ring. I look at the caller Id and I'm thankfull that Hyewon is the one who called me.




Have you eaten yet?


Meet me at the cafe next to our office.


Love u

Call ended

"Who called?" Hyunjin ask. This guy is too busybody.

"My fiancè" I answer then stand up.

"Wait where you going?" He ask.

"Non of your business." He then walk out and I close the door. Luckily there is only a few work that I need to do. I can just do it at home.

As soon as I arrive at the cafe. I saw Hyewon feeding our son. When Mingyu see me he then started to point his finger at me.

"Hai babe." I peck his lips.

"Hey." He replied.

"Mommy I mish u." Mingyu sit on my lap.

"Mommy miss you too baby." I kiss his crown.

"How about daddy? Don't you miss him too?" He ask.

I then kiss Hyewon cheek and carres his chin.

"Of course I miss daddy too." I replied.

"I already order your food. How is work babe?"  Hyewon ask.

"It's fine. It's just boring without you." I pout.

"Ouwhh." He peck my lips.

"Uhm. Daddy can I eat?" Mingyu ask.

We then giggled and he sit on Hyewon lap. When were done eating we then went home together.

Hyewon Pov

I just done playing toys with my son. As I enter our bedroom Minju was tapping on her laptop. I sit beside her and saw her doing her work. How many work does she have?

I just remain silent and look at her doing her work. She didn't even realise that I was beside her. Suddenly her phone light up. I peek at her phone and saw a message from Hwang Hyunjin?!


Can we have dinner together?
If it's a yes then let's meet at the cafe that we always go.

Wait?! The cafe we always go?! Did they meet often?!

My thoughts were cut off when she suddenly take her phone.

"Ouh. Babe. Since when were you there?" She ask while replying to Hyunjin.

"I just came." I answer.

"Ouh. Hmm babe?"


"Can I go out tonight? I need to meet a client." She ask.

"A client or Hyunjin?" I mumbled.


"Sure babe. What time will you get home?" I ask.

"I don't know." She says.

I just nod and fake a smile. Did she cheated on me? That's why she stuck in the office while me busy taking care of our son?

She didn't even ask about our wedding. I think she's not ready.

"Daddy? Can we watch TV?" Mingyu called me. I look beside me and she's not there already.

"Where is mommy?" I ask.

"She already left."

I look at the watch and it's already 7 P.M. I then bring Mingyu downstairs and watch the TV.

Minju Pov

"Hey." Hyunjin greet me.

I then smile at him. When the food arrive we then eat. Suddenly he pour me a glass of wine. I was planning to go home early so that Hyewon won't be mad. Actually why did I even agree meeting him?

"Uhm. Right after I drink this wine. I need to go home." I tell him. He then smile and nod. I drink the wine while were talking.

Suddenly I feel dizzy. I then excuse myself to the toilet. But when I came out of the toilet I saw Hyunjin smirking and the next thing I know I fainted.

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