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Minju Pov

I was sleeping when suddenly my mom wake me up.

"Minju. You should pack your things." She said.


"You're moving in with Hyewon remember?" She put her hand on her waist.

I then nodded and she left. I lied back down and open my phone. Suddenly my phone ring.

Kang Hyewon

I didn't answer it cause I'm really tired to hear his annoying voice. But then I remember what happen on the after party.

I then quickly message him.

Kang Hyewon

Hey! Why did you reject my call?!

Sorry I just woke up.

You're son has been searching for you since 3 a.m.

Ooo is that so. Then I'll see you later. I need to prepare first.

What time will you bee here?

Around 1p.m.


I then walk towards the bathroom and prepare. I don't know why but my heart can't stop beating faster.

I just wear whatever clothes that I saw in ny closet and wear it. I went downstairs and saw my dad wearing a suit.

"Is there any special occasion today?"

"Have you pack your things?" My mom ask.

I then rush upstairs and start to pack. I was almost done when my mom suddenly enter.

"You just bring this?" She point at my stuff.

I then nod. She sigh and went closer to me.

"Minju. You're going to stay there forever. "

I was shocked with my mother words. What does she means with forever?

"I don't get it."

"He came here yesterday. He ask permission to marry you. He didn't come alone you know. He brought his parents too. Soo me and you're dad just agree, because...." my mom hesitate to answer.


"We don't want our grandson to grow up with a broken family and you're father owed his father a lot." She continue.

I then sigh and just nod. I then continue to pack the usefull things only.

All of my stuff was carried by his workers to send it to his house while I will be going to see him and his parents.

Hyewon Pov

I was really nervous right now. I'm afraid if she didn't agree. I just keep on distracting myself by carrying and patting my son to sleep.

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