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Hyewon wake up early today. It's only 9 a.m. but he already awake. Their class started 11 a.m thou.

He iron his clothes neatly. He wear a polo shirt today. He wanted to look the best for Minju.

He comb his hair neatly and wear a perfume. He then went donwstairs and it shock his whole family.

"Y-you're early today?" Mrs. Kang said.

"Yeah" He answer and sit with them.

"Y-you're eating breakfast?" Mr Kang ask.

"Yeah." He answer.

"Kyeongwoo hyung will send you to school today." He answer while carresing his brother hair.

His brother then nodded happily. While his parents are still shocked.

"So... what did you plan for the day?" Mr Kang ask.

"I'm planning to focus in class and have lunch with Minju then send her home." He answer.

"Minju? Kim Minju?" Mrs Kang ask.

"Yeah. I'm courting her." He answer while giving his mom an eye smile.

"I'm happy for you son." Mr Kang said.

"Yeah. I will win my wife back." He answer and they continue to have some family time.


Hyewon is currently driving his brother to school. When Hyewon pulled up his car in front of the school all of the student stare at him.

When his brother went out he also went out. He then hug his brother tightly.

"Study well einstein." He said to his brother.

His brother only nodded and walk inside. When one of the students scream his name he only wave. All of the students then started to blush.

Hyewon Pov

I was walking around the hallway and found Minju sitting on the bench. There is still half an hour before her class start. Then I remember that she will share the same science class with me.

I walk closer and saw her crying. I quickly kiss her crown and sit beside her.

I carres her cheek and kiss her forehead. Her cheek was bruised.

"Baby? What's wrong?" I ask.

She then stand up. I pull her wrist and make her land on my lap.

"What's wrong?" I ask while my chin are on her shoulder.

"N-nothing." She answer.

I hold her chin to make she face me. I saw that she's in pain.

"Who did it?" I ask.

"N-nobody." She answer.

"Minju don't lie to me. Answer me truthfully." I said.

She then sob and smile at me. She gave me a dont worry smile but I know that she's hurting.

"Baby.. tell me." I said.

"Hyunjin." She answer.

I was really mad. He has been my rival since high school. We will always fight to prove who own Minju.

I then bring her to the infirmary. The nurse then cure her bruise.

"You feeling okay?" I ask.

She just nodded.

I then bring her to our class even thou it's still early. I look around and saw only us. The professer haven't arrive yet.

So, I put my arm around her shoulder. I then kiss her head. While she's playing her phone.

I peek at her phone and saw her chatting her mother. I then carres her thight.

She then put down her phone.

"I miss you." I whisper in her.

I then make her sit on my lap. I kiss her lips and she responded.

"Hmm I f*cking miss you babe." I said.

She just keep on kissing me. I then move my lips to her neck and started to suck it. She started to moan.

"Hyewon." She said sitting back at her place.

I was shocked. She then peck my lips.

"Not here." She said.

I just nod and continue hugging her. We were enjoying our time when suddenly a duck and a hamster enter the room.

"Heyy Hye-" Yena said but stop when he saw Minju.

"Hai lovebirds." Yuri said.

Me and Minju just wave and the two sit infront of us. I then hug Minju waist and kiss her shoulder.

"Someone horny~~~" I heard Yena said.

I just glare at him and look at Minju who is reading a book. She look so pretty right now.

Suddenly my phone ring. I look at Minju but she only focus on reading.

"Baby I need to answer this first." I said.

She just nodded and I kiss her cheek before answering the call outside.

"Yes Mr. Park is there any problem?" I ask.

"Mr Kang. Uh uhm there is some problem.... with Mingyu." I was shocked.

𝗠𝘆 𝗕𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱 𝗕𝗼𝘆𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱Where stories live. Discover now