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1 Month Later

"You s*it. It has been a month since you said you have an idea. Now where is that Idea me and Yuri was tired pretending." Hyewon sigh.

"Relax. I was spending time with Min-"

"If she's become pregnant I will kill you!" Hyewon warned him.

"Relax and plus meet me tomorrow we will talk about the plan." Chaewon said.

Hyewon then nodded and walk away.

Hyewon Pov

I was trying hard to sleep, I coudn't stop thinking about Minju. Is she awake?

Then I remember that Eunbi Oppa invite me to a bar. So I went there and drink alot.

"So how is you and Minju relationship?"

When he ask about Minju I want to cry. I really miss her.

I just remain silent and drink. My head started to get dizzy.

Yuri Pov

I was at Minju place when my phone vibrate. Eunbi oppa message me.

"I'll send Hyewon there. " well he know I'm here thou.

"Yuri I'm going to bed first. Good night." Minju said and walk away.

I was waiting for Eunbi oppa. Why did he suddenly send Hyewon here? He must be drunk again.

Ding Dong

I opened the door and saw a sober Hyewon. Eunbi just leave without saying anything.

"Hey baby!"

"Shh keep quiet Minju is asleep." I warn him.

I was about to lay him on the couch but he started to kiss my neck.

"Hyewon ahh w-what are you doing?" I started to moan because he started to suck my neck.

His hands are staring to open my shirt. I grab my phone and call Yena.

Luckily he was just a block away. So he come in just 5 minutes.

"Omg wtf?!" I thought it was Yena.

But he was panting at the door while Minju was crying. Hyewon then finally let go off me. When his drunkness started to get over.

"Minju it's not what you think!" Hyewon oppa said.

"Enough Hyewon. Just give up. She's with Chaewon." Yena said.

"No! I will marry her like what I promised."

"We better get going Hyewon. It's useless now." I said.

The Next Day

The student can't stop staring at Yuri. The real reason was because the hickey that Hyewon gave her last night.

She feel really sorry towards Minju so today she want to apologize.


"What?!" Minju answer irritated.

"I'm sorry about last night."

"Why should you. He's you're boyfriend." Minju answer.

It broke Yuri heart. That was the first time Minju said like that to her. Minju is a polite girl. She will never answer coldly.

Yuri just seat and remain quiet.

Timeskip Lunch

"Yena." Yuri called him.


"Be with me please." Yuri said.

"K. Where you wanna go?" Yena ask.

"Goddamnit not that. Date me please." She said.

"What? How bout Hyewon?" He ask.

"He don't need to know."

Without thinking twice Yena pulled Yuri inside the empty classroom and lock the door.

"You don't know how long have I've been waiting for you."

He then kissed Yuri passionately. Yuri was responding.

Yena kisses started to trail to her neck and her collarbone leaving more hickeys.

"Ah" yuri moan.

He got even turned on and pull Yuri underwear off.

He started to lick her clit.

"Ah~ baby. " Yuri moan.

He suck her deeper. Yuri was a moaning mess.

"Ah I'm cumming." Yuri moan.

Yena then stop earning a frown from Yuri.

He unbuckled his belt and take off his pants and boxers. He pump his cock with his hand until it got hard. He's pumping while looking at Yuri wet clit.

Yuri then started to open her legs wider that make his cock go hard.

He then take out a pack of condom but got stop by Yuri.

"Make me pregnant Daddy. I want to be with you forever~" she said.

Yena was shocked. He don't know what to do.

"What if-"

"Then marry me isn't that what you want daddy." She said while spreading her legs.

He then enter his cock inside of her. Yuri started to moan again.

"Ahh~ ahh~ f*ck yess daddy."

"Uhmm baby. I love you so f*ckin much." He moan.

"Daddy I'm cumming."

Then started to move faster and deeper inside of her. They then cum together.

"Uahh" Yuri moan.

Yena take his cock out of her clit and started to lick her. Yuri then push his head deeper inside her.

"Uh daddy I want to more." Yuri moans.

"I want to but we still have classes. How bout tonight ok? Baby girl." Yena said.

"Okay daddy."

Yena then continue to eat her.

What they didn't know is that someone was earsdropping them.

"Why did Yuri cheated on Hyewon oppa with Yena oppa?" Minju thought to herself.

(Sorry I'm sucks at smuts.)

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