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Hyewon Pov

When I hear Mr. Park mention Mingyu my heart started to beat fast. I was started to worry.

"Mr Park what happen?!" I ask.

"He's in the hospital. He fell into the pool while playing with his ball." He said.

I then ended the call and went inside. I sit beside Minju and stare at her. Yena just look at me.

"Uh Minju I need to go there is an emergency at home." I said.

"You okay? Tell me if there is a problem okay?" She said.

I nod and peck her lips. I then take my stuff and rush towards the parking lot.

I then call Mr. Park to ask which hospital Migyu was in.

"S. Hospital." He said.

I then rush towards S. Hospital. Once I arrive I run towards the information counter.

"Kang Mingyu." I said while panting.

"Room 67" The nurse said.

I rush towards the room and saw some of my guards there. I then enter and saw Mingyu on the bed.

Mr. Park then stand up and bow to me. He then went outside leaving me and Mingyu.

"Daddy.." Mingyu called me.

I just hold back my tears. He is just 2 years old.

"Daddy's here Mingyu." I said and kiss his forehead.

He then started to cry. The doctor the enter.

"Mr Kang you're son is doing fine it's just maybe he will have water phobia." He said.

I only nodded and look at Mingyu. The doctor then check him.

"He need to rest. He can be discharged today." He said.

I then nodded and thank him. I have been a single father. I was too young to have a child but I'm happy that my family still support me.


"Daddy." Mingyu called his father and run towards him.

"Yes baby?" Hyewon ask.

Mingyu then point at Hyewon phone which is ringing right now. Hyewon then answer the call.

"Hyewon is everything alright?"

"Yeah. It's just an emergency meeting today. I'm sorry that I can't be with you today."

"It's okay. Beside's there is the whole group with me today."

"Don't flirt around okay."

"I won't"

"Good girl."

"Ok then Hyewon I need to go to the next class see you soon."

"Hmm. I love you"

"Love you too."

Minju then ended the call. Hyewon was blushing mess right now while his son is looking at him weirdly.

"Mommy just called." Hyewon said.

Mingyu then try to take Hyewon phone. Hyewon then look at him weirdly.

"What are you doing baby?" Hyewon ask.

"M-mommy" Mingyu said.

Hyewon then carry his son and swing him around. It's the first time he said something other than "DADDY" .

He really wish that he could tell Minju about his situation but afraid that she might leave him again.

"We'll call mommy tomorrow okay. Now you need to sleep." Hyewon said.

His son just nodded. Hyewon then feel bad about his son.

Hyewon then ready his son to sleep and read him bedtime stories. When Mingyu was deep asleep he just stare at him.

"You really got her eyes." He said while carresing his hair.

"Daddy will make sure you will see mommy again." He kissed Mingyu forehead.

𝗠𝘆 𝗕𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱 𝗕𝗼𝘆𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱Where stories live. Discover now