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Hyewon was changing Mingyu clothes because they were going to the company to see the new C.E.O a.k.a Minju.

Hyewon don't know who is going to be his boss. He's not chossen by his parents because before he will always go to work drunk.

K.K Co.
Hyewon Pov

"Here is your new office Mr Kang." My former secretary tell me.

I just nod and sigh. Mingyu is with ny parents. And now we will be having a 1st meeting with the new CEO.

"I heard the new Ceo is really pretty." One of the workers said.

I then proceed to go to the meeting room. When I enter I saw my parents and Minju parents already seated.

"Why don't u seat there?" I ask my dad.

"Hahaha... Hyewon I'm no longer a Ceo and same as your father in law." I only nod.

All of the workers also enter the meeting room. I only look down.

"Welcome Miss Kim." I heard all of the workers said.

I then follow them and stand up. I look at the person and it shocked me.

Minju! Is our new Ceo?! What?!

"Don't worry Minju your secretary is here." My dad said and pat my back.

I only smile and look down. I was embarres because I was a Ceo and now I'm a secretary.

"Be good to your new boss okay?" Mr Kim warn us.

We all then nod and they left with Mingyu. Minju then dismissed all the workers.

She then went out and walk in her office and I walk towards my office. Which is just outside her's.


It was the first day of working but my brain is already lacking. Suddenly the door swing open.

Minju then aproach me. I suddenly feel nervous.

"You okay?" She ask.

I thought she was about to scream at me. But she only ask me if I'm okay or not.

I then nod and smile. Suddenly someone called her name.



I was shocked what is she doing here? Suddenly Minju clear her throat.

"Mr Kang." She said.

I then stand up and excuse myself to make drinks for them. Luckily I know how.

I then send the drinks to her office. But when I enter Minju eyes were angry.

"You're husband cheated on you." Chowon said.

Minju then smile. Is she crazy or what the person just said her husband cheated but she just smile!

"With-" she cut chowon off.

"With you. And you said you're pregnant with his child. But you're actually pregnant with someone else child. I'm not stupid Chowon. " she said smiling.

Me and Chowon was shocked. I look at Chowon and her face look pale. I was about to exit when suddenly Minju speak again.

"If you leave then you're fired."

I then stand beside Minju. Both of us is nervous. This is the first time I saw Minju like this. She look so hot and sexy when she's mad.

"I can feel what you think Mr Kang."

I then look down.

"Now tell me. What do you want from him? You both already f*** each other everyday at school and anywhere. So what do you want now?" Minju ask.

"Minju h-how"

"How did I know? Tch. You fuck each other 5 times inside the empty classroom. 2 times inside the ladies restroom and maybe 1 time at Kim Hotel. Let me remind you. My father owned that hotel and that school where you attended." Minju said sarcastically.

Minju then look at me. I can see that she is disgusted in my actions.

"I think it's better if you leave before I blew up here." She said to Chowon.

Chowon then stand up and bow at Minju. She then quickly left.

Minju just stare at me. I was scared to look at her now.

"You know, you have a son. Also you have your own dignity. Imagine if the whole world know that the hireness of the Kang sleep with someone else while his fiancè is fighting for her life in the hospital. Imagine if your son do the same thing. That is what your father will feel if he find out. He will feel heartbroken. Why? Because he work hard to raise and send his son to school but his does the opposite of his wish." She scold me.

"I sometimes think that it's useless for me to fight for our love Hyewon. But then I remember about Mingyu. So, don't get your hopes high. Cause I only agreed to marry you for Mingyu's future." She continue.

All of her words break my heart. I then kneel on both knee and beg for her forgiveness.

"I can't just forgive you like that. You need to prove that you changed first. Then  I'll forgive you. Plus! If the child that Chowon is carrying is yours so you know what that means." She said.

I then nod and stand up. She then wipe my tears with her thumbs.

"Don't changed for me. But changed for yourself. I coudn't stand looking at you like a playboy who didn't get enough love." I then nod.

𝗠𝘆 𝗕𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱 𝗕𝗼𝘆𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱Where stories live. Discover now