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It was now Hyeju wedding day. The past few days,Hyewon will always be cold towards Minju and will always ignored her. Minju admit it's her mistake for not telling the truth to Hyewon.

She was now in her waiting room. Ready to walk to the altar. She alone. She's full of regrets.

The door swing open. And the person enter and went behind her.

"I know they said it's bad luck. But we already get badluck even before were married." Hyewon said.

Minju then look at him. Her eyes started to get teary again. Hyewon the kiss her forehead.

"I still can't forgive u." He's eyes are teary. He then walk out.

The door swing open showing Minju in a beautifull white gown. She was accompanied by her parents.

Hyewon started to cry when he saw his future wife. He got mixed feelings. Madness and Love. But when he saw her , he feel like he's in heaven.

"We are all welcome to the wedding of Kang Hyewon and Kim Minju" the priest said.

Hyewon was staring at Minju. While Minju was looking back at him. They didn't even focus on what the priest said. They were both lost in each other eyes.

"Do you Kang Hyewon take Kim Minju as your wife?"


"Do you Kim Minju take Kang Hyewon as your husband?"


"I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss."

They kissed. Hyewon pour all of his love to her in the kiss. Same as Minju. When they pull away, they then sign their marriage aproval.

Minju Pov

"You should change." Hyewon said. She then pull me inside our hotel room. He then sit on the edge of the bed. While I remove my gown. But I can't reach the zip. I want to ask him but I'm afraid.

"Turn around." He said. I then turn around. He then pull the zip down. I was about to take off the gown and put on the dress but he suddenly kiss my bare shoulder. His hand then take off my gown. He started to suck on my neck, but I stop him.

"Hubby~the guest." I moan.

He then kiss my shoulder.

"Sorry." He then sit on the bed.

I then put on the dress. But I feel like someone is staring at me. I look behind me and saw him staring at me while licking his lips.

"Oops. Sorry." He apologize.

"Wait there is no problem wifey. I already see this body." He aproach me and help me dress up.

We go back to the hall while holding hands. We sit back at our table. Suddenly I saw someone that make my mood drop. It's Hyunjin. I guess Hyewon also saw him, because he go off my hand. I sigh and look at Hyewon. He's not smiling anymore.

"Mr Kang you called me?" One of Hyewon guard aproach us.

"Yes. Can I check the guest list?" He ask.


He then started to check all of the guest name. I just remain silent. He then sigh. He look at me. I just look back at him.

"Hwang Yeji. His twin sister. She's invited." He said.

I only nod and sigh. I look down. I don't want someone to ruin my special day. Suddenly a hand touch my chin.

I then face Hyewon. He smile softly and kiss me. I kiss back. I can hear some of the guest teasing us. But I know Hyewon kiss me because there is Hyunjin. His kiss doesn't make me feel loved. But it's his way telling me that he's mad at me.

We pull away and he sit closer to me. He then lean closer and whisper something that really drop my mood.

"I loved you. But what you did make me hate you. Don't think that I act sweet towards you, means I forgive you." He whisper and kiss my temple.

I only nod and fake a smile. I was about to cry but luckily Mingyu came towards me.

"Mommy. I saw banana just now. Hehehe." He said that shocked me and Hyewon.

"W-what kind of banana is that?" He ask Mingyu.

I then look at him. He only giggled and put his arm around me.

"Banana. Uncle Yena teach me. He said there are two kind of banana." Mingyu tell us.

"One banana is Yellow and the other one is the same of my skin." Hyewon suddenly stand up and aproach the table where Yena sit. Yena then look down. Hyewon then flick his lips that make Yena flinch. All of our friends then laugh. He came back and put Mingyu on his lap.

"The first banana. You can eat it and make it a drink. But the second banana is not good ok baby?" He tell Mingyu.

"But why is it not good daddy?" He ask Hyewon.

"When you grow up then you'll know baby." He pat Mingyu head and smirk at me.


What did I just write?🤨

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