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Minju is now having a meeting with her father but what she didn't expect is that her father in law and Hyewon will also join them. During the meet she didn't even pay attention. She know that her father will only nag about the wedding so she distract herself to her son.

"So... since you both is too slow. Then the wedding will be held next month." Mr Kim said that made her look at him.

"B-but why?" Hyewon try to protest.

"Because as I said you both are too slow." Mr Kang answer.

She could only sigh and look at her son again.

"So is it go? Or no go?" Mr Kim ask.

"How bout we talk abou-" before Hyewon could finish his sentence Minju already cut him off.

"Sure. Just tell us if there is a problem or whatever." She said.

Hyewon look at her shocked. Minju look back at him and peck his lips. Both their fathers only smile while looking at their kids, but what they don't know is that the two are faking.

When the meeting is done Minju then enter her office leaving Mingyu and Hyewon. Hyewon carry their son and bring him to his own office but Mingyu can't stop punching him.

He put Mingyu on the couch and do his work. Suddenly Mingyu aproach him.

'Daddy? Can I sit on your lap?" He ask cutely.

Hyewon would never say no to his son especially when he is acting cutely to his father. He will only say no to Mingyu if only Minju says no.

"Sure baby." He answer.

But what he didn't know is that his son is just acting cute to punch him again. He just keep on doing his work when suddenly the door swing open and Mingyu hit his forehead harshly that it bleed.

"Oh My God! MINGYU WHY DID YOU DO THAT TO YOUR DADDY?!" Minju scold her son.

She then take Mingyu away from him while Hyewon hiss in pain. She look seriously towards his son and put him down.

"I'm sowey daddy." He pout.

"It's o-okay ba-by." Hyewon answer earing a slap on his shoulder from Minju.

"Don't pamper your son Kang Hyewon!" She shout at him.

He only remain silent while Mingyu is standing on the corner. Minju then take the first kit aid and command Hyewon to sit on the couch but he didn't listen until Minju lose her temper.

"IF I SAY SIT ON THE COUCH JUST F****ING SIT ON THE COUCH!" She shout not minding her son because her fiance is a hard headed.

Hyewon just stand and sit where Minju told him to. Hyewon sit beside him and start treat his wounds. When she's done she look at Mingyu who is looking at his feet.

She carry him and sit back on the couch. Both Hyewon and Mingyu just look at their hands afraid that Minju will scold them.

"Why did you punch daddy?" Minju ask.

Mingyu just stay silent.

"Mingyu? Why did you punch daddy?" She repeated.

But he just stay silent.

"Mingyu?" She called him.

Mingyu look at his mother and start to cry. Hyewon want to comfort his son but afraid that Minju will scold him again.

"B-becau-se *sob* he m-make y-you c-cry.*sob*" he answer hugging his mom.

Hyewon just froze while Minju carry Mingyu and enter her office leaving Hyewon alone. Hyewon was shocked. Minju just left him like that.


When they arrive home Mingyu was already asleep and he already apologize to his father. Minju was reading on the bed while Hyewon was looking his wound.

"Why did you agreed?" He ask breaking the silent.

"Agree on what?" She answer.

"Agree on the wedding date?" He ask.

"Why did you ask?" She answer.

"Don't you think that the date was too early?" He answer.

"Why you want it to be next year?" She ask sarcastically.

"Yes- ehh no no." He answer.

"Why because you want to marry Doyeon?" She close her book and cross her arms.

"Minju-" he was cut off.

"It's okay even if we're married you can still date her. I don't care anymore." She answer and lied down.

He sigh and aproach her. He sit next to her and whisper to her ears.

"My eyes are only on you babe. Even if you have no feeling for me anymore." He said and kiss her cheek.

He stand up and went outside. Minju sigh and her eyes started to get teary. She's still in love with Hyewon but she don't want to admit it.

𝗠𝘆 𝗕𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱 𝗕𝗼𝘆𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱Where stories live. Discover now