Chapter Twelve

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The journey back to the Aslan's How was very silent and the atmosphere was terryfingly sad. No one said a word. No one smilled. No one even looked on anything else except the ground on which they were walking.

No one except me. 

Although in my heart I felt incredible sadness, regret and disappointment, I also had a really strange feeling that someone was watching me all the time.

Somewhere from the woods around us.

I was looking on the right side then left side, front, back and again right. I didn't see anyone.

I looked at the Pevensies, then Caspian, no one was looking at me.

I qucikly ran deeper inside the forest. I coudn't help myself, it was like a scent of early spring that just reached my nose.

Then I felt something gently touching my back, then shoulders. I turned around and I saw something so magical that took all my sadness far, far away.

A Blossom Dryad.

The beautiful girl smilled to me and I giggled, because I felt laughter in my soul.

"Come, Queen Julia." the Blossom Dryad said to me calmly.

She started to fly in front of me and I followed her.

Then I saw another dryad and another one.

Is it some sort of sign? I thought.

Eventually my guide stopped and pulled out her hand showing me something on the hill in front of us.

On the hill, ruins of the castle were standing. My heart was beating faster and faster and faster. It was my castle. My castle! I knew it. Dorvale.

"Ouch..." I said suddenly and put my hand on my forehead feeling a very sharp pain.

"Oh my God!" I almost shouted when the pain stopped.

I remembered everything.

Everything! From the very beggining.


I entered the wardrobe as a 13 year old girl. I was at my aunt's house where she worked for the proffesor called Mr Kirke. My parents went to America for two weeks, for holidays.

When I entered Narnia, there was autumn all around. I was walking around the woods till I met Aster, my future best friend and a teacher. Centaur.

He said that everyone is waiting for me and it caused me a very big feeling of confusion. Aster brought me to Aslan's Camp.

There I met Narnians, got to know them better, got to know Narnia better and eventually got to know Aslan. 

He told me that I was the first Daughter of Eve who entered Narnia and that I have my own mission. To kill the dragon Saurog. He was a horrible monster that already had his own army and was ready for the battle and becoming a King.

I was completely shocked at first that I will have to kill the dragon but Aslan said that I have more courage that I think I have and I believed in everything he said. 

I started preparing for the battle with Aster. He taught me how to fight with sword, how to shoot with a bow and how to plan the battle.  

Then the battle came. I was sitting on my black horse called Lillianna at the front of my army. Aslan was standing beside me, so I wasn't afraid.

The battle started and after a long time of fighting, I saw that many Narnians lost theirs lives and so I decided that this was the time to kill Saurog.

I climbed on the tower which was once standing in front of the Aslan's How. I put my special metallic, hard and heavy arrow to the bow and waited for Saurog to stay still.

I shoot and the arrow got exactly in the middle of Saurog's mouth. He was dead. 

After the Victory Battle, I was coronated at my own castle, Dorvale, long before the building of Cair Paravel.

It was one of the braightest days of my life. 

I was wearing a purple royal dress with ornaments on my shoulders. I had blue glossy cloak on my back.

Aslan coronated me as Queen Julia the Dashing, Queen of all oceans of shining waters. My crown was a small, silver circle, decorated with flowers.

I was in Narnia for the next sixty years. During my reign I was doing my best as a Queen: I was fighting with my people in every battle, planning every battle, making alliances with other lands, entertaining Narnians by playing on my cello and composing my own pieces.

Every Narnian was my friend but I was always called "Queen of Dryads and Wolves" because they were my Narnian kindred spirits.

I never married during that time, nor fell in love.

One day when I was already 73, I went for a walk around the woods, because it was the first day of summer. Suddenly I wasn't between the trees any more but between old furs and coats. I didn't remember how I entered Narnia and that's why I didn't turn back.

That's how I came back to England. And just day after I couldn't remember Narnia any more.


"You came back to us, Queen Julia!" the dryads started to laugh and cheer, flying around me and I started dancing with them.

Just by then I realised that my clothes changed. I wasn't wearing an armour anymore, I wasn't dirty and no scratch was on my body.

I was wearing my coronation costume along with my crown on my head.

"How did you do this, my beautiful girls?" I asked the dryads.

"That's one of our secrets, your Majesty." they answered as one voice and I smilled and started dancing with them once again while giggling and simply filling my heart with joy.

"My memory came back!" I couldn't help myslef from shouting. Then I realised that it was getting darker and darker. "Is it this late? I swear I was here only for an hour! I didn't even go to Dorvale!" I said panicking again.

"Don't worry, our Queen. We will get you back to the Aslan's How." the Blossom Dryad said to me and I started walking with "my girls" through the woods again.  

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