Well, This is Awkward

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At Jake's Cabin 4;00 pm

Everest and Chase stand motionless at the door, staring at the cockapoo. Neither of them were expecting her arrival so soon and she never gave a heads up, but here she was.

"Hey, you guys. Sorry for coming unannounced, I just really wanted to talk to you two" Skye apologizes. "Well... mostly Chase"

The two pups leave their shocked state and greet their friend.

"Oh, it's fine Skye we just weren't expecting you" Everest says as she relaxes her expression.

"Yeah definitely not, but it's good seeing you again" Chase says with a smile.

"Yeah, I missed you guys. Did I interrupt anything?" The cockapoo asks.

Chase and Everest start blushing at the question.

"W-what do you mean by that?" Chase asks, flustered.

"Y-yeah, what are you talking about" Everest says.

Skye is confused by their sudden change in expression. Something was going on.

"I mean were you guys watching tv or something?" Skye explains.

The two pups calm down, a little embarrassed by how worked up they had become.

"Ohhh, well not really. We were just talking" Everest replies.

"Oh, ok so I'm not intruding on anything?" Skye asks.

"Nope, nothing at all" Chase replies.

"Good, so Chase do you mind if we talk? Everest, I don't mind if you listen" Skye says sweetly.

"Sure Skye, of course we can" Chase says as the two sit down.

Everest goes to the couch and turns the tv on but her attention was on the two conversations pups.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" Chase asks.

Skye thinks for a minute, trying to formulate her words in the right way.

"Well first, I know I've don't this a lot of times already but I want to apologize again about what I said. You should know that personally I really care about you, and never wanted to hurt you. I really appreciate you and how much you do for us, and how you always try to keep us safe" Skye says as she nuzzles the Shepherd.

Everest didn't know what got into her but she got the strange urge to growl at Skye. Like she was stealing her territory or something. They had literally just declared they were dating, how could she already feel this way? Either way, she couldn't keep her eyes off of the two.

"Skye, I really appreciate that. I try to make sure you guys are ok because I love you guys. You're my family. Always." Chase says. "And I'm not mad at you Skye, not at all"

"Aw, thanks Chase" Skye says pulling the Shepherd into a hug.

Everest couldn't control herself after that and she lets out a growl. She couldn't help herself, she knew Skye had the potential to pull Chase away from her and she didn't like that.

Chase and Skye turn their attention in concern to the Husky bearing her teeth at them.

"Ev, what's wrong?" Chase asks.

The nickname was enough for Everest to calm down. She knew she had him and wasn't losing him.

Skye turns to Chase.

"Ev?" Skye asks. "Since when did you have a nickname for her?"

Chase looks down for a second. He knew he didn't want to build this conversation on lies. No matter the consequence, he had to be honest.

"Since...since we started dating." Chase finally says.


At The Lookout 5;00 pm

Zuma, Rubble and Marshall are chatting while watching TV until Rocky comes around.

"Hey, pups I've been thinking and I really think we should show Skye our full care about this whole Everest situation thing" Rocky says, not paying attention to who's in his presence.

Marshall instantly hops up in concern.

"What Everest situation?" Marshall asks urgently.

The other pups give Rocky a look that says "really dude". Rocky chuckles nervously.

"Well, uh Marshall we think Skye feels...not as loved. Since Everest joined its looking like Skye feels like old news as the girl on the team. We talked about it earlier with her and she looked really sad" Rocky explains to the Dalmatian. He purposefully refrained from mentioning the Chase situation.

Marshall thinks about it and nods his head.

"I understand but I don't get why she'd feel that way. We love her." Marshall says.

"We know we love her, but she might feel overlooked since Everest is so different. She might feel like the tiny overlooked pup" Rubble replies.

"Well, what can we do?" Marshall asks.

"We don't have to do anything crazy, we just need to talk to her and show that we love her" Rocky says.

"I agwee, she desewves to know we cawe about her, even if we have anothew female on the team" Zuma adds in agreement.

"Then it's settled. I'd prefer if we did it today though. It's not healthy for Skye to keep in those negative feelings to herself. We should let her know now" Rocky explains.

The other pups nod in agreement.

"Well, where is she?" Marshall asks.

"I'm actually not sure? I haven't seen her since she said she had to go somewhere" Rocky says.

The boy's eyes then widen.

"Wait, with all of that Evewest stuff she was talking about, do you think she actually...went thewe?" Zuma asks.

"That's what I'm thinking" Rubble asks.

"Oh, no. She's not emotionally stable enough for that environment. With Chase and Everest there, it'll be too much for her" Rocky says, in worry.

"Wait, are you guys saying Skye went up to Jake's mountain to confront Everest about her insecurities?" Marshall asks in disbelief.

The other pups nod.

"Well, we need to hurry up. Things could get ugly." the Dalmatian says in fear.

The pups decide to be a little less obvious and head out on foot to avoid bringing attention to themselves.

"Hopefully Chase can keep the environment stable enough until we show up. Maybe he can prevent a bigger issue form happening" Rocky says.

"And maybe we can get him to actually come back now" Rubble adds.

"Hopefully, but he seems really stubborn about it, but we can hope" Rocky replies.

The group head out into the mountains. On their quest to prevent a bigger disaster than Skye's insecurities.

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