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((I'm gonna keep using 3rd POV, just so you know...))

Mr. Joestar made a phone call as soon as he saw a telephone box. He left all four of you to wait in front of a food shop. "Hey, big guy!" a voice said. Jotaro looked down at you, you looked back up at him. He quickly turned his head to the shopkeeper. "Are you fellas tourists? Wanna try my rice porridge? Since your in Hong Kong, you must try dim sum or rice porridge! We have hot cola, too," the shopkeeper suggested. You held onto Kakyoin's school uniform, feeling uncomfortable with talking with strangers. Jotaro looked down at you, mouthing you something. 'Are you scared?' he mouthed to you. You just nodded in response. 'We just went through some real shits. We don't know who can be the stand user that is coming for us.' your thought as it went on and on. Your thoughts were cut off by Mr. Joestar shouting toward you all. The team turned our head. He said something about his friend's restaurant. You just followed Kakyoin from behind, you still had this uneasy feeling that the team was in danger.

You guys finally arrived to the restaurant. It looked nice. Jotaro seemed like he was going to kill someone. He's being mean these days, usually when you're with Kakyoin. 'It's not like I'm dating him anyways.' you thought to yourself. "So, is there something on my face hm?" Jotaro said out of the blue. "N-no! I was just thinking. You're the one that sat in front of me," you felt your face heat up. He seemed to be more pissed off by your words. 'Why did I even become his friend he's not even kind.' you letted your thought slip through your head. You sighed, feeling exhausted of him. "Is there something you want to order (Y/n)?" Kakyoin asked you. 'What did I miss this time.. I should stop daydreaming.' you mumbled to yourself.
"Excuse me, do you have a moment? I'm a tourist from France, you see. I'm having a hard time understanding the menu. Could ya help me out?" a man asked. You looked up at him. He had a weird hair style. A silver tower looking hair. "Talk about annoying. Fuck off," Jotaro said. "Jotaro! What's up with your attitude!" you regretted it as soon as you snapped at him. He glared at you, almost pissed. You sighed, trying to brush off the embarrassment you got. "Wow, I thought no one can yell at Jotaro," Kakyoin said, amazed by your action. "Just.. he wasn't a bitch until someone killed the shy boy," you said, feeling bad for Jotaro. 'He was a kind and nice guy until those bullies got in his life. I hoped I could've been there for him 24/7. He didn't deserve it. I daydreamed again. Fuck! I must have looked like a moron.' you thought, sitting straight up. Kakyoin was looking at you with curious eyes. "'Killed the shy boy'? Jotaro was a shy kid?" Kakyoin looked surprised. "Um.. yeah. He was so kind and sweet until some assholes that didn't know their places came up."
"Then, you must've been his friend for a long time, right?"
"Yeah, but I bet that he won't admit that we're friends with his own mouth."
You heard Jotaro sigh. 'Shit, he could've heard me. Fuck shit. I'm gonna die aren't I...' your thought was killing you every second. 'Kak, please help me Jotaro's gonna kill me.' you sent this message to him with eyes of course. You just hoped that he got it. "Say, you like Jotaro?" Kakyoin said out loud. Everyone looked at you two. 'Fuck Kakyoin... why did you say that, did he understood it the wrong way?!?' you were screaming on the inside, but you tried to stay calm. "Wh- what?! No! Why would I-," you were cut off by Mr. Joestar yelling 'Oh my God!'
'I- I'm just gonna dig my grave here...' you thought, feeling your mind turning into dust.
You saw Jotaro's small smirk, 'It's cute.. fuck! No. It ain't cute. More like horrifying... ehh...' you thought with shivers down your spine.

The waiter took the team's order, Mr. Joestar ordered everything on the menu.
"(Y/n), your face is red," Kakyoin giggled.
"I- No! What gives you the idea! Does it look like I'll like a bitch?!" 'Fuck. I said the last part. No fuck. Why did I say that!?' you screamed to yourself.
Jotaro slammed the table and went out, it made you shiver in fear that he'll come for your head.
'I should get him.' your mind told you. You stood up and excused yourself as you went out to find Jotaro.

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