☆Wheel of Fortune

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You guys got out of the car and walked up to the edge. The red car was on fire, you frowned and walked away from the edge, feeling uneasy. Jotaro noticed and walked towards you. "You okay?" he asked.
"Y- yeah... just feeling uneasy.. maybe the car flipping shit made me sick."
A sound came out from the radio. You and Jotaro looked over to the car.
"Actually, little girl , it's not strange at all," the voice said. It was talking about Anne.
"It's coming from the radio," you backed away.
"I was able to do this because it's my Stand! Joestar!" the radio continued.
"He knows my name so that confirms it. He's an enemy Stand user!"
"Where is he? Could he be really be sending a signal from the car down there?" Kakyoin looked down the cliff.
"No way! Do you see it recked down there?!" Polnareff shouted.
"No.. that old car can be a Stand. You remember the boat Stand? This may be a repeat," Jotaro said, holding your arm.
"Be hold the Wheel Of Fortune! My Stand will lead you to your death!" the radio said.
The the ground started to shake.
"Everyone go in the car!" Mr. Joestar shouted to the team.
"Wait no! Don't go near it! Stay back!" Jotaro shouted as he pulled you.
A car bursted out from where the team's car was.
"Impossible! It blew up to the ground! Alright, I think it's pretty obvious that car is actually a Stand," Polnareff shouted out.
"Looks like the Stand user is inside the car," Kakyoin said, he was pretty calm.
The car started to change. It started from fixing itself to making spikes. As soon as the car fixed itself, it ran towards you and Jotaro. Jotaro pushed you away, as soon as you were out of his grip, something shot Jotaro real fast. No one could see it coming. It shot Jotaro's shoulders, he spitted out blood. The Stand user laughed maniacally.
"Jotaro!" Kakyoin and Polnareff got Jotaro, helping him get up. The Stand shot them three, you got up immediately to get them.
"Don't come close (Y/n)!" Jotaro yelled at you.
As soon as he yelled the Stand turned to you, before you could respond, it shot something to you. You fell down, bloody was pouring out of you. It shot your leg and your stomach. You groaned in pain, you couldn't see what it shot you with, though it was painful.
"(Y/n)!" Kakyoin shouted out. You couldn't move, your leg wasn't moving after the injury. The Stand then tried to run over you, Jotaro got you in time and ran away to the crack near. Everyone was there, the Stand was too big to go through it. Jotaro letted you go, your leg was barely working but it was enough to fight a bitch.

The Stand came up to the crack. It changed it's wheel to enter the crack, you didn't expect that shit. "Everybody! Run!" Mr. Joestar shouted. As you ran, you heard someone fall down. It was Anne, the Stand was near, threatening her. You had no choice but to get her. When you reached her, the Stand came out from the dust. You reached for the knife and pointed it upward, making a scratch on one of the the Stand's pipe. The Stand barely missed you two. You climb  up with Anne to where your team was. Your leg started to become numb, but you kept on climbing it. The Stand was turning around to get you and your team again. You groaned, "Some bitches has to learn when to quit." You could feel your leg giving up. "Jotaro! My leg!" as soon as you shouted, Jotaro picked you up and helped you reach the safe zone. Anne was already up there.

Jotaro handed you over to Kakyoin, the Stand was yelling something down there. Then it started to climb up the cliff. "Good grief. Looks like we're going to have to face it. Once it climbs up here, we'll see the car's underside. That's when we'll find out who's stronger."
"I see. Once the car's underside is in view, we may be able to attack it!" Kakyoin said.
The Stand showed itself after a few second. Jotaro summoned his Stand to punch the underside.
"You're quite energetic, Jotaro! But not smart at all! Your bodies reek of something, and you haven't even noticed!" the Stand user shouted from the inside.
"Some to think about it, I smell gasoline," Kakyoin said.
"It's our bodies! Our bodies smell like gasoline!" Polnareff said, sniffing himself.
"It was shooting gasoline at us! It was shooting small amount of gasoline at high speed, like bullets!" Kakyoin said.
"I-impossible... So his attacks weren't to wound us, but to soak us with gasoline?!" Polnareff shouted.
Multiple high-speed gasoline shot Jotaro's body, making him fall down. "Jotaro!" you screamed out.
"Looks like you finally caught on, but it's too late now! The electric wires will spark!" the user ripped a wire next to the window, causing Jotaro to get on fire. Everyone screamed.
You fell down to the ground, the worst memories were haunting you again. Tears were welling, your body was trembling, and your mind was running. You couldn't hear anything else nor see anything else expect the fire. 'Why does everything I care about burn in flames...?' you thought to yourself. You reached your breaking point. Your fainted there, your body felt weak. It was dark around, you couldn't see nor hear anything. It felt like dying or falling into a void.

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