☆Bad Luck

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Thankfully all the team arrived to Singapore safely in time. Thanks to the team, they got you clothes as soon as they reached the land. Anne chose a revealing clothes, which made you lecture her about it. She said that you'll look good in them, though you refused, it looked like it was hard to fight in. The clothes select was ended by Jotaro getting you some clothes and returning the clothes that Anne chose.

"Hey, Anne. Aren't you supposed to go to your father?" you asked while walking the street with your team. "Yeah. But I want to stay with you guys longer. I'm going to meet him after 5 days," Anne said, she was still mad about you not wearing the clothes she chose. You sighed and looked up at Jotaro. He just gave you a hum as a 'What is it?'. You just shook your head. You all stopped at a hotel. "We're gonna stay here today," Mr. Joestar said. The team all entered the hotel lobby. Mr. Joestar and Avdol was sharing a room together. "Hey Anne. Mind if I share a room with you?" you asked, not wanting to sleep with the boys. "No. I'm gonna sleep on my own," Anne crossed her arms. 'She's still mad about the lecture,' you thought and turned to Kakyoin. "Hey Kakyoin mind if I-," "No. You're gonna sleep with me," Jotaro growled. "I asked Kakyoin first," you said, pouting your lips. "Anyways, I don't believe in you 100%. Plus Kakyoin's a nice guy."
"You just met Kakyoin a few days ago. I've been your friend for god damn 3 years," Jotaro flicked your forehead.
"Well, at least Kakyojn's a gentleman, you're literally a 'delinquent'," you grumbled.
"Well, I don't believe in Kakyoin. You're gonna sleep with me," Jotaro took your hand forcefully.
"Guys?" Kakyoin spoke, it was muted by you and Jotaro arguing.
You two turned your head to face Kakyoin.
"Guys, I'll just share a room with Polnareff. He agreed on it anyways," Kakyoin said. You looked up at Jotaro, he had a victorious smile, it wasn't visible but you could tell.
"Let's go (Y/n)," Jotaro picked up the room key and walked away with you. Kakyoin sighed in relief.

Everyone soon went in their rooms. You and Jotaro was in the shower, healing his wound. "Try not to get hurt next time, okay?" you said as you got up. He nodded his head. "Hey Jotaro, I'll check on the others. Just in case they're hurt.." you left the room. You went to Kakyoin and Polnareff's room. A loud crash sound came from inside. You knocked on the door, you could sense another stand user in their room. Soon the door opened to reveal Polnareff, who was half bloody, to land on you. You looked inside the room, it was all messed up. You helped Polnareff to get up. "Kakyoin!" you called out. Kakyoin wasn't in the room. "He's with Mr. Joestar right now," Polnareff said. You helped him to your room. Jotaro ran to you two, helping Polnareff sit on the couch. You got the water bottle, you used your stand to heal Polnareff's wounds. "What happened?" Jotaro asked Polnareff. "A stand attack. But I got rid of them," Polnareff said, smiling. You sighed, as soon the wounds all mended up, you heard footsteps, rushing in the hallway. You peeked out the room. There were police officers surrounding Polnareff and Kakyoin's room.

Polnareff and Kakyoin was taken for police investigation, there was a corpse found in their bathroom. Jotaro sighed, Kakyoin soon came back, he was in Mr. Joestar and Avdol's room for the whole time, that alibi had evidence. "Want to go out?" Jotaro asked, "Sure," Kakyoin said. You nodded your head. "I'll get Anne. She might want to tag along."

You, Jotaro, Anne, and Kakyoin was out in the street. It was nice outside. "Want ice cream?" Anne asked, you nodded your head as a yes. Anne ran to a store, "Can I get some ice cream?" "Welcome. Little girl, ice cream is good, but this is tasty, too. It's chilled coconut juice. How about it?" the store owner asked, holding a coconut juice.  "I guess we can try it. Give us fou-,"Jotaro was cut off by you. "Three please," you said covering Jotaro's hand. He looked down at you with questioned eyes. "I can't drink it all by myself. I'll share it." "Thanks. That'll be twelve dollars." "Oi, make that six dollars," Anne interrupted.

"I'll pay for it," Kakyoin said paying the money. As Kakyoin was putting his wallet back in, a man suddenly stole Kakyoin's wallet. He ran away, Kakyoin sent Hierophant Green to chase the man. His stand caught the man's ankle, making him to fall. Jotaro and Anne got the juice. "Cough up your guys!"  Kakyoin suddenly kicked the man's face. "Language Kakyoin!" you yelled at Kakyoin. Kakyoin didn't even look back at you. "You're worth about as much as a sewer cockroach's dick. That idea... you thought you could steal my wallet with the same fingers that wipe your filthy ass... I can't let you get away with that, can I?"  he picked the man up and started to break his back, the man spat blood. "Kakyoin!" you yelled as you ran to Kakyoin. "Kakyoin! Stop that!" you said pulling his arm. He looked down at you. 'T- this is definitely not Kakyoin,' you thought, chills going down your spine. Jotaro came up. "(She/He/They) told you to stop it Kakyoin," Jotaro came up. Kakyoin didn't stop. "Oi, that's enough!" Jotaro punched Kakyoin's shoulder, making him to drop the bloody man.
"That hurts.. you didn't have to push me like that. That guy tried to steal my wallet, which makes him a very bad person. Of course I should punish him," Kakyoin said as he cleaned his uniform and took the juice from Anne. "Am I wrong, Jotaro-kun?"

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