☆Baby Stand

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You woke up and looked around. You were the first one to wake up. You stretched your arms and got up. Thankfully the fire was dead, you looked around, checking your team. They were all sound asleep. You rolled your sleeping bag and yawned. You rubbed your eyes and walked over to Jotaro. He was asleep with his hat on. You thought of a silly idea that might piss him off. You took his hat away carefully, trying to not wake him up, and inspected the hat. The hat's end was all torn up, it made the hat at his hair fuse together. You decided to wear it while he's a sleep. As soon as you placed the hat on your head, it somehow fused like it's a living creature. You tilted the hat and said his catchphrase. You bursted into laughter, making your team to wake up. Jotaro looked up at you with confused eyes. He groaned and pulled you down to the ground.
"Hey!" you shouted as you held the hat in place.
"Give my hat back (Y/n)," Jotaro said, reaching for his hat.
"Nope! It's mine!!" you jumped off of him and ran away from Jotaro.
"Oi!!" he shouted as he caught you with Star Platinum. You struggled to get out of Star's grip, you gave up and patted Star. It seemed to like it, plus it was funny to see Jotaro's hair getting all messed up.
"Stop messing with my hair," Jotaro said as he took his hat away while Star was holding you.
"Aww, but I liked that hat."
"Shut up."
You squirmed in Star's grip while Jotaro fixed his hair.
"Guys? A lil bit of help please?" you looked over to the rest of the group, who were folding their sleeping bags.
"What did you do this time, (Y/n)?" Polnareff chuckled.
"I um.. stole something?" you sheepishly smiled.
"Try bargaining. We can't win Jotaro's strength anyways," Kakyoin said as Star held you tighter.
"Jotaro let me go."
"You're choking me!"
"You deserve it."
"I just stole your hat for a good one or two minutes."
"Shut up."
"Okay.. what do you want?" you gave up convincing him.
"What can you give me?"
"Well, almost anything?"
"Oh, c'mon! Just tell me what you want or let me go already!"
"Jotaro, we gotta head out now, let (Y/n)-san go," Kakyoin said as he placed the folded sleeping bags on the camel. Jotaro looked over at you and tsked as he made Star let you go. You smacked his back in revenge, he pinched your cheek, making you hiss in pain.

There were only three camels that survived. One died from the heat and another one got killed by the fiery emeralds. Kakyoin and Polnareff was riding one together. Mr. Joestar and Jotaro was the only choice you had.
"I um.. where am I supposed to go?"
"Ah, of course my grandson!" Mr. Joestar chuckled.
"Try flirting with him a few times, it'll be fun to watch," Mr. Joestar whispered to you. You chuckled as you nodded.
Jotaro held the leash but sat behind you, making it feel like he's hugging you. You were sure small compared to him, but you never admitted that fact. Mr. Joestar was chuckling all the way, giving thumbs up to you. Jotaro always looked at you and Mr. Joestar with confused eyes.
"Hey, Jotaro," you said, trying to hold the laughter.
He hummed as a response.
"I just wanted to tell you that you have beautiful eyes," you said as you looked in his eyes.
"Yare yare.. did the hunger make you like this?" Jotaro said as he covered his eyes with his hat.
"Hey! I was complimenting you!" you growled, leaning to him.
He sighed and hugged you with one arm. Mr. Joestar looked at you two and made an evil smile.
"Hey! You two! Get a room already!" Mr. Joestar shouted out, making Jotaro let go of you.
Polnareff and Kakyoin looked back at you two then to Mr. Joestar with confused eyes.
"They were kissing and shit just a few seconds ago," Mr. Joestar snickered. Kakyoin sighed and Polnareff snickered.
"We did not. Stop spreading rumors old man," Jotaro growled.
"Hahahaha, Jotaro, you really need to learn more," Mr. Joestar snickered.
Jotaro sighed, he was tried of Mr. Joestar's bullshit.
"(Y/n)-san you okay with Jotaro?" Kakyoin asked.
"Don't worry about them Kakyoin. (She's/He's/They're) all right," Mr. Joestar laughed and gave you a wink, you sighed in annoyance.

The team arrived to the destination. Mr. Joestar explained the plan for tomorrow, the moon was starting to rise when the team arrived to the near village. Thankfully there was a nearby hotel the team could stay. Mr. Joestar got three rooms. Kakyoin already teamed with Polnareff. Mr. Joestar gave you a thumbs up as he handed you the key.
"I... urgh.. let's go in, Jotaro," you said as you pulled his uniform. He sighed and followed you after he gave his grandfather a death stare.
"(Y/n)! Jotaro! Don't start it up today! We got a busy day waiting for us and I'm not ready for a great grandchild yet!" Mr. Joestar shouted as you two walked away.
You sighed and Jotaro pulled up his middle finger to his grandpa.

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