☆Foggy Town

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The team reached to the town. As soon as the car stopped Mr. Joestar ran over to a restaurant near, "Do you know if there is any pharmacy or a hotel near?"
"I dunno," the owner said as he turned the sign from 'open' to 'close'.
"Hey, wait a minute! What do you mean you don't know?" Mr. Joestar shouted as the owner went back in.
"W- what's with that guy," Mr. Joestar talked to himself.
"I bet he couldn't understand you since your pronunciation's bad. Let's ask the guy sitting over there," Polnareff said, pointing to a man who seemed to be sleeping.
"Hey, pal! Sorry to bother you, but we're looking for a hotel. Preferably a hotel with nice, clean toilets. Do you know-," Polnareff gasped.
"Hey, you! What's wrong?" Polnareff shook the man.
The man was dead, lizards walked out of his mouth, it was creepy and disturbing.
"He's dead! He died with pure horror in his eyes! W- what the hell is this? Why's he lying there dead in the road? What was the cause pf death?! A heart attack? A stroke?" Polnareff shouted out.
Jotaro putted you down and walked to Polanreff.
"That could be.. but it doesn't seem to be ordinary heart failure," Jotaro checked the corpse.
"A gun! He's got a gun!" Polnareff said, he was alarmed.
"You just noticed?" Kakyoin was pretty calm.
"I see smoke. He fired it," Jotaro said, pulling you to himself.
"And just recently from the looks of it. Maybe two to five minutes ago. Either way, it happened just before we got here," Mr. Joestar said.
"Was it suicide? Did he shoot himself?"
"No. It seems like there's no wounds on the body, and there's no blood anywhere."
"Then how'd this guy die? Look at him! His face is distorted like he was screaming in utter terror!"
"I don't know. What did this man shoot with his gun? What in the world is going on?" Mr. Joestar crouched down to check the body.
"No one in the town noticed anything?" Kakyoin looked around.
"Excuse me, ma'am. Someone has died here. Please call the police," Kakyoin ran up to the woman. You looked at where he was, there was a woman and a child. The child turned and saw Kakyoin then went behind it's mother. The woman looked back too, she had acne all over her face. She quickly covered her face.
"Pardon. My acne seems to have festered. By the way, did you need something?"
"I said I'd like you to call the police."
"The police? For what?"
"Look! There's a dead body over there!"
"Oh, my. There's a dead body? Is there anything I can do?"
"I already asked you to call the police!" Kakyoin shouted. You walked up to him, "Nori. What's going on?"
"Huh? I was asking this woman if she can call the police," he seemed to have calmed down a little bit.
The woman looked at you, "Right, right. Call the police... all right."
"My acne has festered and it's so itchy. Terribly itchy..." she turned and walked away.

"Let's go.." you said reaching for Kakyoin's hand.
"Umm... Yeah," he held your hand and walked back to the team.
"It's weird... no one seems to care even though someone just died," you said looking up at Kakyoin.
"Don't you need to go to the pharmacy? I can look for it if you want," he said looking around.
"Hmm? No thanks. It'll heal by time. Anyways I do have bandages so no worries."
You reached your team, they were still inspecting the body.
"It feels like the fog just keeps getting thicker," Polnareff said looking up.
"The town seems to be engulfed by this fog," Kakyoin added.
"It's really creepy. Doesn't that part there kook like a skull?" Polnareff pointed the sky. You all looked at it, it did look like a skull. Jotaro noticed that you were holding hands with Kakyoin, he pulled Kakyoin's arm, making him let go of you.
"Don't touch (her/him/them) Kakyoin," Jotaro said.
"Jotaro!" you yelled at him. Jotaro tsked and walked back to the corpse.
"I'm sorry," you said to Kakyoin.
"You don't have to apologize, it was me who got on Jotaro's nerves," Kakyoin said with a smile.
"You're too nice," you murmured.
"Hmm? What was that (Y/n)-san?"
"It's nothing."

"What do you want to do, gramps? You don't think it's the work of another Stand user, do you?"
"It seems impossible. There's no motive. Why would someone who's after us kill a man who has nothing to do with us before we even got here? If they did, why did they kill him?" Mr. Joestar said.
"But there's a possibility. His death seems pretty extraordinary. Let's investigate the body as much as we can without touching it, before the police comes," Jotaro said, looking at the body.
Jotaro soon got up and walked next to you, keeping Kakyoin away. You sighed, he was acting overly protective after you got injured.
"It appears he was traveling too, just like us. He has bus and train tickets. And he appears to be Indian. He'a carrying Indian money. He's not from this town," Mr. Joestar said, using the pen to look in the man's pocket.
"Oh?! A wound! Right under his throat, there's a wound about the size of a 10 yen coin. Is this the cause of death?" Mr. Joestar used the pen to look under the man's shirt. Jotaro looked at you up and down, you covered your body in surprise. "Pervert," you said. "Gramps, is it the same size of wounds that we got from Wheel of Fortune?" Jotaro asked, sighing.
"It doesn't look like that."
"Why isn't there any blood coming from it? With a hole that big, there should be tons of blood gushing from it. Normally, at least," Jotaro looked at the corpse.
"Looks like this is no ordinary murder. We need to know. Let's not hold back. Take off his clothes," Jotaro as he held the man's shirt. "Are you really a pervert Jotaro?" you asked. You received a flick on your forehead. Jotaro ripped the clothes off, revealing multiple wounds over man's body.
"Wh- what's with this corpse? There are holes all over it! He looks like a cheese you'd see in cartoons!"
"And there's no blood coming from any of these holes. How on earth was this man killed? What does this all mean?!"
"Be careful. The odds that there's a new Stand user nearby just grew," Jotaro said. You smacked his back in revenge, "Seriously, you're a bitch Jotaro."
"You need to learn how to be serious sometimes you fool," Jotaro said holding your arm.
"Everyone! Get in the car! We're leaving this town!" Mr. Joestar jumped.
"What?!" Mr. Joestar shouted. You all looked back at him, he was about to get stabbed by the fences.
"Hermit Purple!" Mr. Joestar barely used his Stand to save himself.
"Oi, old man. What the hell are you doing? Are you stupider than (Y/n)?" Jotaro said, you couldn't smack him since he was holding your arm. You kicked his leg, making him let go of you.
"Bitch," you said as you ran to Kakyoin. You went behind Kakyoin, Jotaro just growled at you.
"Oh, no! What do you mean, what am I doing?! The car was right here a minute ago!"
"What? Car? We just parked the car over there."
"What?! B- but just now.." Mr. Joestar stopped talking as he saw a person walk towards the team. You all looked back at the person, it was an old woman.
"You seem to be travelers. With this fog, it's dangerous to leave the town now. There are many cliffs, you know. I run a little hotel where I serve bed and breakfast. If you'd like, why not stay there for the night? I'll make it cheep," she was very nice.
"We finally met a normal person!" Polnareff said, he sounded happy.

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